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Stata Bookstore

The Stata Bookstore carries books by Stata Press, books on Stata, and books on statistics. Every title added is personally selected and reviewed by a member of our Stata technical group for users like you.

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Create and Export Tables Using Stata Franz Buscha’s Graphs Everyone Should Know and How to Create Them in Stata is written for anyone who uses Stata to make graphs. Beginners will find a complete collection of tools for effectively visualizing their data and results. Experienced Stata users are certain to learn some new tricks as well.
Create and Export Tables Using Stata Michael Mitchell’s Create and Export Tables Using Stata shows you how to create tables of summary statistics and regression results using Stata’s table, dtable, and etable commands, as well as the collect suite of commands
Stata Tips, Fourth Edition, Volumes I and II Nicholas J. Cox's Stata Tips, Fourth Edition provides concise and insightful notes about commands, features, and tricks that will help you obtain a deeper understanding of Stata.
Maximum Likelihood Estimation with Stata, Fifth Edition Maximum Likelihood Estimation with Stata, Fifth Edition is the essential reference and guide for researchers in all disciplines who wish to write maximum likelihood (ML) estimators in Stata. Beyond providing comprehensive coverage of Stata’s commands for writing ML estimators, the book presents an overview of the underpinnings of maximum likelihood and how to think about ML estimation.
A Gentle Introduction to Stata, Revised Sixth Edition Alan C. Acock's A Gentle Introduction to Stata, Revised Sixth Edition is aimed at new Stata users who want to become proficient in Stata. After reading this introductory text, new users will be able to not only use Stata well but also learn new aspects of Stata.

For Stata users, by Stata users

Stata Press ® offers books with clear, step-by-step examples that make teaching and learning easier.

Multilevel and Longitudinal Modeling Using Stata, Fourth Edition, Volumes I and II
Sophia Rabe-Hesketh and Anders Skrondal
A Visual Guide to Stata Graphics, Fourth Edition
Michael N. Mitchell
An Introduction to Stata Programming, Second Edition
Christopher F. Baum
A Course in Item Response Theory and Modeling with Stata
Tenko Raykov and George A. Marcoulides
Microeconometrics Using Stata, Second Edition
A. Colin Cameron and Pravin K. Trivedi

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