Linear models for panel data
Random-effects regression for binary, ordinal, categorical, and count-dependent variables
- Probit
- Logistic regression
- Complementary log-log regression
- Ordered logistic regression
- Ordered probit regression
- Multinomial logistic regression
- Interval regression

- Tobit

- Poisson regression (Gaussian or gamma random-effects)
- Negative binomial regression

- Robust standard errors with (*) regressions

- Bayesian estimation
Conditional fixed-effects regression for binary, categorical, and count-dependent variables
Two-stage least-squares panel-data estimators 
- Between-2SLS estimator
- Within-2SLS estimator
- Balestra–Varadharajan–Krishnakumar G2SLS estimator
- Baltagi EC2SLS estimator
- All with balanced or exogenously balanced panels
- Robust and cluster–robust standard errors
Random-effects regression with sample selection 
Random-effects extended regression models
- Combine endogeneity, Heckman-style selection, and treatment effects
- Linear regression

- Interval regression, including tobit

- Probit regression

- Ordered probit regression

- Exogenous or endogenous treatment assignment
- Binary treatment–untreated/treated
- Ordinal treatment levels–0 doses, 1 dose, 2 doses, etc.
- Endogenous selection using probit or tobit
- All standard postestimation commands available, including predict and margins
Regressors correlated with individual-level effects 
- Hausman–Taylor instrumental-variables estimators
- Amemiya–MaCurdy instrumental-variables estimators
- Robust and cluster–robust standard errors
Panel-corrected standard errors (PCSE) for linear cross-sectional models 
Swamy’s random-coefficients regression 
Stochastic frontier models 
- Time-invariant model
- Time-varying decay model
- Battese–Coelli parameterization of time effects
- Estimates of technical efficiency and inefficiency
Specification tests
Panel-data unit-root tests 
- Im–Pesaran–Shin
- Levin–Lin–Chu
- Hadri
- Breitung
- Fisher-type (combining p-values)
- Harris–Tzavalis
Summary statistics and tabulations
- Statistics within and between panels

- Pattern of panel participation

Panel-data line plots 
- Graphs by panel
- Overlaid panels