Stata 10 ado-files — 10 Jun 2010 update
Install this update if, when you type
update after entering
Stata, the date of the currently installed ado-file updates
is not
10 Jun 2010
Do not install this update if you are not using Stata 10.
After you install the updates, typing help whatsnew will indicate the
updates are installed and provide a summary of the changes.
Windows installation instructions
- Click on the link to download the file.
- Unzip the file using pkunzip, winzip or any other zip extractor into
a temporary directory on your hard disk (e.g. C:\TEMP).
- You may delete the file that you downloaded.
- Start Stata and type update from c:\temp or wherever you unzipped
the ado-file updates. If the path to the location where you extracted
the file contains spaces (e.g., C:\Documents and Settings\userid\My
Documents\temp), you must enclose the path in double quotes.
- Be sure to preserve the directory structure from the zip file when you
extract it.
- Stata will provide you with a recommendation as to whether or not you
should update your ado-files. Follow the recommendation.
- If you are prompted to update ado-files, Stata will install and use the
new ado files and help files. Type help whatsnew to check the
Macintosh installation instructions
- Click on the link to download the
- If you have StuffIt Expander installed, the file may be automatically
expanded after it has finished downloading. If so, go to Step 3. If
not, unzip the file using StuffIt Expander.
- After has been expanded, a folder named ado Folder will
appear. Open Stata and select Official Updates from the
Help menu.
- Click on the other location of your choosing link. A Choose
Official Update Site dialog will appear.
- Click on the Browse button and locate the ado Folder
folder from the file dialog. Select the ado Folder folder
(do not open the folder by double-clicking
- Click on the Choose button.
- Click OK from the Choose Official Update Site dialog.
- A new page will appear and there will be a link under
Recommendation that you update ado-files. Click on that
link and the updated ado-files will be installed.
- Stata will now use the new ado files and help files. Type help
whatsnew to check the installation.
Unix installation instructions
- Click on the
ado.tar.Z link to download the file.
- Uncompress and untar the ado.tar.Z file into some temporary
directory (e.g. ~/newado):
% uncompress ado.tar.Z
% mkdir ~/newado
% cd ~/newado
% tar -xf /wherever/you/saved/it/ado.tar
- You may remove the ado.tar file.
- Start Stata and type update from ~/newado or wherever you
extracted the ado-file updates.
- Stata will provide you with a recommendation as to whether or not you
should update your ado-files. Follow the recommendation.
- If you are prompted to update ado-files, Stata will install and use the
new ado files and help files. Type help whatsnew to check the