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How do I install Stata 17 on a Unix/Linux machine using the download tar file?

Title   Unix/Linux installation
Author Kevin Crow, StataCorp

To install Stata 17 for Unix/Linux from the Stata17Linux64.tar.gz tar file:

  1. Download the tar file from:
  2. https://download.stata.com/download/
  3. Become a superuser and extract the gzipped tar file into an empty directory.
  4. Create the installation directory (we recommend /usr/local/stata17) with 755 permissions and cd into it.
  5. Type /wherever/extracted/files/are/install and follow the instructions.
  6. Once the installer has completed, you must initialize the license by typing ./stinit in the Stata install directory and following the instruction prompts.

Below is a sample session for a Stata 17 installation. We assume you saved the archive in /home/you/Downloads:

    # sudo -s
    # cd /tmp/
    # mkdir statafiles
    # cd statafiles
    # tar -zxf /home/you/Downloads/Stata17Linux64.tar.gz
    # cd /usr/local
    # mkdir stata17
    # cd stata17
    # /tmp/statafiles/install

Stata 17 for Linux minimum requirements include:

  • Any 64-bit (Core i3 equivalent or better) processor
  • Minimum requirements include the GNU C library (glibc) 2.17 or better
  • For xstata, you need to have GTK 2.24 installed

(From https://www.stata.com/products/compatible-operating-systems/)