Title | Stata 7: The findit and ssc commands | |
Author | Nicholas J. Cox, Durham University, UK |
findit is Stata’s most thorough, most complete command. It runs both search and net search in searching for Stata programs or documentation accessible through the Internet, whether the programs or documentation were officially issued by StataCorp or written by users; see help findit. findit was added to Stata on 17 July 2001; that is, after the initial release of Stata 7, and it is not documented in the Stata 7 manuals.
If you are using Stata 7, you must update your Stata to be able to use findit; see help update.
If you are using Stata 6, findit is of no use to you, as it requires Stata 7. The nearest equivalent is to issue the search and webseek commands in searching for official and community-contributed material. webseek was added to Stata 6 on 28 January 2000; that is, after the initial release of Stata 6, and it is not documented in the Stata 6 manuals. You must have updated your Stata on or after 28 January 2000 to be able to use webseek; see [R] update.
If you are using Stata 4 or 5, then know that the search command was called lookup in these versions. There was no equivalent of webseek or net search in any Stata before version 6. Given that you can evidently read this with a browser, you should also be able to use that browser to find Stata material on the Internet. You should find it useful to look at stata.com/links/resources-for-adding-features. However, the majority of material you will find requires a version of Stata much later than Stata 4 or Stata 5 and will not work with your Stata.
The ssc command is for interacting with the SSC (Statistical Software Components) archive, which includes a large amount of community-contributed Stata programs and other Stata material; see [R] ssc. ssc was added to Stata on 14 November 2001; that is, after the initial release of Stata 7, and it is not documented in the Stata 7 manuals.
If you are using Stata 7, you must update your Stata to be able to use ssc; see [R] update.
If you are using Stata 6, ssc is no use to you, as it requires Stata 7. The nearest equivalent is to use the archutil package written by Nicholas J. Cox and Christopher F. Baum, on which ssc is based. Provided you have updated your Stata to be able to use webseek, as described above, webseek archutil will point you to sources of this package.
If you are using Stata 4 or 5, no equivalent of this command is available to you in Stata. Given that you can evidently read this with a browser, you should also be able to use that browser to search SSC; see http://ideas.repec.org/s/boc/bocode.html. However, the majority of material you will find requires a version of Stata much later than Stata 4 or Stata 5 and will not work with your Stata.