FAQ: | Programming Stata |
How do I share my command with Stata users?
Why don’t my community-contributed estimation commands work after Stata 11?
Is there any way to get around the option limit in Stata’s syntax command?
How do I process parallel lists?
How do I signal that there are alternative types of arguments to program options?
What is the difference between a release marker and a version number in a ado-file?
How can I use Stata to solve a system of nonlinear equations?
How can I automatically execute certain commands every time I start Stata?
Why does my do-file or ado-file produce different results every time I run it?
How can I pass arguments to my do-file?
Why do I get errors with my local macros?
Why do I get syntax errors when I use local macros in my do-file?
How do I add an observation to a dataset when coding an ado-file?
I coded `a'^2 and got the wrong sign. Why?
Where is the official ado directory?
Where is my personal ado directory?
How do I assign multiple backslash characters to macros in Stata?
How do I use Python within Stata?
A. How do I get started writing Stata dialogs?
Dialog programming (part 1)—Getting started
Dialog programming (part 2)—Adding features
Dialog programming (part 3)—Using tabs
Dialog programming (part 4)—Using options
B. How do I share community-contributed dialogs and Stata menus?
Sharing dialogs (part 1)—Basic terminology and overview
Sharing dialogs (part 2)—Dialog-box programs
Sharing dialogs (part 3)—Stata menus
Sharing dialogs (part 4)—Submenus and dialogs
C. Advanced dialog topics
How can I take care of prerequisites in dialog boxes?
Can I use existing Stata .idlg files for my own graphics command dialog?
Why does a program defined by an ado-file sometimes not work when given a string comparison?
What can you tell me about the Windows 98 operating system and dialogs?
Why do I get puzzling results with the for command and local or global macros?
Why do some nested for commands produce an error?
Why is post giving a syntax error?
How can I remove collinear variables from a varlist?