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st: Re: -label define- and -replace- when a variable may be missing
"Joseph Coveney" <[email protected]>
<[email protected]>
st: Re: -label define- and -replace- when a variable may be missing
Sun, 9 Mar 2014 15:25:45 +0900
Michael McCulloch wrote:
I am cleaning data for a survey, in which for one question, respondents were
asked where they got their training.
There are 9 possible answers for this question, but as I monitor survey data
coming in, some may have missing values.
The online survey instrument creates the variables as they are filled in:
what_types_of_training_did___2, and so on up to
In order to create reports but not have my do-file stopped by a missing (not yet
defined) variable, how can I modify the following code?
gen training=.
replace training=1 if what_types_of_training_did___1==1
replace training=2 if what_types_of_training_did___2==1
replace training=3 if what_types_of_training_did___3==1
lab def lab_train 1 "Accredited US School" ///
2 "Accredited School outside US" ///
3 "Unaccredited US School", modify
I'm not quite sure what you've got in your dataset(s), but couldn't you test
for existence of a variable in each passage of a loop? Something like
generate byte training = 0
foreach var of varlist what_types_of_training_did___? {
local index : subinstr local var "what_types_of_training_did___" ""
// Alternative: local index = substr("`var'", -1, 1)
quietly replace training = `index' if `var' == 1
#delimit ;
label define TrainingTypes
1 "Accredited US School"
2 "Accredited School outside US"
3 "Unaccredited US School"
. . .
9 "Hard Knocks";
#delimit cr
label values training TrainingTypes
Depending upon the structure of your dataset(s), you might be able to use
-reshape- and -rename-, skipping the loop.
Joseph Coveney
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