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Re: st: Efficiently using associative arrays in mata

From   Aljar Meesters <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Efficiently using associative arrays in mata
Date   Thu, 6 Mar 2014 11:07:45 +0100

The method that I have in mind uses the mata function
-minindex(v,k,i,w)-, where v is a real vector that holds your unique
group ids,k is in your case the number of groups that you have (but
you can set this to missing as well), i, and w, are vectors in which
the function puts information about group sizes and elements. I have
added a proof of concept below this e-mail. There are however two
caveats with this approach. Although the algorithm is, as far as I
know, not disclosed, I think that it is an O(n * k) algorithm (where k
the number of groups). If k is large relative to n, you get worse
performance than the O(nlogn) of the sorting algorithm. The other
caveat is that you have not one variable that identifies your groups
but multiple. So, you have to combine these variables into one holds
unique identifiers. If this is done incorrectly you will end up with
non-unique identifiers. Also, the probability that things go wrong
increases with the number of groups.
As a side note, if you have a reasonable idea about how many groups
you have, you may include this information when creating your hash
table (third argument in asarray_create). This ensures that you do not
get any rebuilds of the hash table while adding elements, which may
increase your performance especially if you have a lot of groups.


*** begin example ***
clear all

set obs 100000

gen x = ceil(runiform() *  1000)
gen y = rnormal()

timer on 1
st_view(x=., ., "x y", .)
minindex(x[., 1], ., i=., v=.)
N = rows(v)
v[.,2] = runningsum(v[., 2])
t = J(N, 1, .)
for(idx = 1; idx <= N; ++idx){
    idx_x = i[|v[idx, 1], 1 \ v[idx, 2], 1 |]
    t[idx] = mean(x[idx_x, 2])
*** end example ***

2014-03-05 19:40 GMT+01:00 Joe Canner <[email protected]>:
> Andrew,
> By default, MS Outlook removes "extra" line breaks in plain-text messages.  You can restore them for individual messages by clicking where it says "Extra lines breaks in this message were removed", above the "From:" line.
> If you want to change the default, go to File->Options->Mail->Message format.  See for more details.
> Regards,
> Joe Canner
> Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Andrew Maurer
> Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2014 12:53 PM
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: RE: st: Efficiently using associative arrays in mata
> Thanks very much for the response, Aljar. I tried your suggestion and found that the two-lookup method took about 35% longer in the below test (around 8.5 seconds vs 11.5 seconds), which isn't negligible..
> I'd be interested in hearing your suggestion on alternative code if the number of groups is small. I use this for a few different definitions of the id variable, but on a set of 1billion observations, the final number of observations may be 2000 at the low end or 10million at the high end.
> As an aside - I've noticed that lines of pasted code sometimes merge together when I email to statalist. Does anyone know why this happens? (messages sent using "plain text" format in Outlook).
> ************ Create sample data ************* // create sample data // variables: species, breed, animal_id, and date clear all local n 1000000 qui set obs `n'
> gen byte species = int(4/`n' * (_n-1)) + 1 gen byte breed = int(5*runiform()) + 1 gen long animal_id = int((_n-1)/100) gen int date = mod(_n,100) + 500 gen x = runiform() sort species breed date qui save temp, replace
> ************ End create sample data *********
> *********** Begin timed benchmark *********** clear all mata
> idname = ("species","breed","animal_id") xname = "x"
> // load data into mata
> st_view(id=0, ., idname)
> st_view(data=0, ., xname)
> // initialize array
> mydic = asarray_create("real", cols(id)) asarray_notfound(mydic, 0)
> timer_clear()
> for (j=1; j<=5; j++) {
> timer_on(j)
> // loop through observations
> for (i=1; i<=rows(data); i++) {
>         thisid = id[i,.]
>         thisx = data[i,1]
>         asarray(mydic, thisid, 1)
> }
> timer_off(j)
> }
> for (j=6; j<=10; j++) {
> timer_on(j)
> // loop through observations
> for (i=1; i<=rows(data); i++) {
>         thisid = id[i,.]
>         thisx = data[i,1]
>         asarray(mydic, thisid, asarray(mydic, thisid) + thisx) }
> timer_off(j)
> }
> timer()
> end
> exit
> *********** End timed benchmark *************
> *********** Output ***********
>   1.       8.63 /        1 =     8.627
>   2.       8.77 /        1 =     8.768
>   3.       9.03 /        1 =     9.032
>   4.        7.5 /        1 =     7.504
>   5.        7.6 /        1 =     7.597
>   6.       11.6 /        1 =     11.56
>   7.       11.2 /        1 =    11.201
>   8.       11.5 /        1 =    11.482
>   9.         12 /        1 =    12.044
>  10.         12 /        1 =    11.996
> *********** End output *******
> Thank you,
> Andrew Maurer
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Aljar Meesters
> Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2014 10:22 AM
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: Re: st: Efficiently using associative arrays in mata
> Dear Andrew,
> I don't think that it possible to obtain the memory address of thisid in mydict with the standard implementation of asarray. Although it requires only a minor change in asarray to get this functionality, I don't think it is of great help for you. I have changed the line -asarray(mydict, thisid, asarray(mydict, thisid) + thisx)- into -asarray(mydict, thisid, 1)- to mimic the case you are looking for and although you get a speedup, it is not the speedup of a factor two you are looking for, but maybe on your system it does, so you may try this.
> However, do you have some information about the number of observations after the collapse? If the number of groups is small I may have some code that is useful for you although it requires some changes in order to suit your usecase.
> Best,
> Aljar
> 2014-03-05 1:12 GMT+01:00 Andrew Maurer <[email protected]>:
>> Hi Statalist,
>> I am trying to write a function in mata that returns sums by groups (like collapse), but without sorting. I am interested in calculating sums over groups for very large datasets (eg, 1billion observations). I have run into issues with an individual "sort" command taking around 60min to complete.
>> I suspect that since collapse internally uses a sort, computation time is O(nlogn), or something else worse than linear. However, using associative arrays, the process could be done in linear time (though I'd imagine with higher memory usage). Ie - loop once through the whole dataset, storing the running sum of each groupid separately. I have a working example below, but the "loop through observations" section is slower than expected (using collapse as a benchmark, it's 2-3x slower for up to 10million obs).
>> I suspect that the issue is in the line:
>> asarray(mydict, thisid, asarray(mydict, thisid) + thisx)
>> The problem is that asarray() is called twice, so the memory address of thisid in mydict has to be looked up twice. Does anyone have any suggestions on a way to complete this task, only looking up the address of thisid once, without having to rewrite the asarray() function?
>> ************** begin code ********************** clear all
>> mata
>> matrix array_runningsum(idname, xname) {
>> // load data into mata
>> st_view(id=0, ., idname)
>> st_view(data=0, ., xname)
>> // initialize array
>> mydict = asarray_create("real", cols(id)) asarray_notfound(mydict, 0)
>> // loop through observations and calculate running sum for (i=1;
>> i<=rows(data); i++) {
>>                 thisid = id[i,.]
>>                 thisx = data[i,1]
>>                 asarray(mydict, thisid, asarray(mydict, thisid) +
>> thisx) }
>> // convert array to matrix
>> N = asarray_elements(mydict)
>> A = J(N,(1+cols(id)),.)
>> i = 1
>> for (loc=asarray_first(mydict); loc!=NULL; loc=asarray_next(mydict, loc)) {
>>                 A[i++,.] = asarray_key(mydict, loc),
>> asarray_contents(mydict, loc); }
>> return(sort(A,1..cols(id)))
>> }
>> end
>> // working example
>> sysuse auto, clear
>> mata array_runningsum(("foreign", "mpg"), "price")
>> // compare to:
>> sysuse auto, clear
>> collapse (sum) price, by(foreign mpg)
>> list
>> ************** end code ************************
>> Thank you,
>> Andrew Maurer
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