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Re: st: Need help with ordinal reliability
Marta Garcia-Granero <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: Need help with ordinal reliability
Tue, 05 Nov 2013 18:49:45 +0100
Hi again:
I must be really tired (18:30 CET...), I didn't elaborate my question,
and the information I provided was really scanty.
I'm using 64 bits Stata, v 12.1 . The author of the original code is
Joseph Coveney, and there was a couple of extra lines at the bottom of
my first message that should have been eliminated (alpha latent....).
Also, the output for -polychoric- was:
Polychoric correlation matrix
das1 das2 das3 das4 das5 das6
das1 1
das2 .42024951 1
das3 .24509033 .32364968 1
das4 .36344476 .52974183 .29672763 1
das5 .33015234 .50295552 .31500762 .43689823 1
das6 .40680867 .49900034 .27843518 .69339713 .37167844 1
das7 .29380929 .32790657 .29356005 .38405985 .39296997
.33400672 1
das8 .35677412 .46419956 .40604081 .49256452 .4567259 .46454955
das9 .37077838 .34527103 .26974445 .38840096 .36997004
.35312515 .3571874
das10 .4256425 .51589102 .33813277 .4370863 .48154865 .3910091
das11 .37272216 .59244225 .29880755 .52523425 .43404926 .47464957
das12 .5121788 .51715508 .32776665 .43895648 .4803188 .42322721
das13 .37993855 .37775355 .14527508 .34385484 .34732168 .33653105
das14 .32637852 .7394756 .24964994 .54102318 .48400845 .46558826
das15 .43274919 .39017236 .25867438 .38537742 .40293415 .36018827
das16 .3474 .46423544 .33881092 .48665781 .48483778 .47053561
das17 .27212954 .32632387 .21638421 .29795486 .33135255 .30779252
das18 .37998676 .54349127 .28253174 .56671336 .43986064 .57194078
das19 .28731551 .37032004 .17092521 .42829171 .36295912 .42772512
das20 .34803246 .41226741 .30207845 .50186841 .41863183 .49193995
das21 .31516767 .46410866 .25604889 .48067802 .4013685 .41396665
das22 .32576574 .4746789 .24764487 .52425967 .42027355 .43977791
das23 .27030853 .37106997 .16708249 .50227817 .2928019 .47093511
das24 .22180702 .48066541 .19659108 .46905576 .32300993 .38518647
das25 .2485514 .41517796 .15882277 .46634462 .33945453 .38547609
das26 .30558935 .40363268 .20375388 .55666758 .39058928 .46668209
das27 .34826363 .45727001 .1819646 .48968223 .37207247 .392942
das28 .30102988 .35688643 .09771854 .37671756 .26926171 .33082686
das29 .17060376 .26941245 .15150186 .31490059 .21765541 .457789
das30 .23004565 .40100813 .17788273 .5200932 .33359417 .51155108
das31 .30294671 .50141191 .27341805 .60021678 .44015522 .53789039
das32 .17851874 .28451353 .17292657 .29183327 .2629968 .25458053
das8 das9 das10 das11 das12 das13
das8 1
das9 .39974386 1
das10 .67476763 .43931616 1
das11 .50594364 .32861706 .52631507 1
das12 .57449347 .35833765 .67020656 .55697966 1
das13 .22995568 .30662879 .28584647 .34872446 .33847967 1
das14 .47828855 .31375469 .50503804 .60258201 .45629234
.39982639 1
das15 .44764559 .38888315 .5150241 .45929063 .59085042 .30721258
das16 .53914135 .40808404 .548167 .48414852 .53424112 .29754421
das17 .37858619 .27487912 .36552225 .30119579 .40823621 .22405586
das18 .53667085 .40097699 .54474508 .54758093 .54306969 .307511
das19 .41073243 .25659421 .44896752 .39782274 .43872791 .23747139
das20 .50370828 .38665834 .53478484 .47388992 .53354992 .33501667
das21 .45082815 .40043999 .41305077 .40661984 .4814231 .30269254
das22 .49334693 .41727551 .44567218 .44527364 .51258513 .3301241
das23 .42055161 .27078847 .35860358 .41942107 .38881377 .26157417
das24 .40644921 .25634044 .35810732 .46382043 .37930243 .25365179
das25 .44719107 .22144828 .43444377 .45265554 .41230003 .20935814
das26 .4656409 .30134818 .48658089 .50974805 .48665406 .27002113
das27 .44547295 .30125276 .46307111 .49444787 .46038074 .25635778
das28 .33775888 .22580941 .40599368 .41224761 .38915379 .19157961
das29 .16210088 .14310961 .16657815 .26335942 .20955204 .25445594
das30 .32219318 .31208264 .35928233 .43881299 .3438433 .25124765
das31 .5594746 .40275532 .53951207 .53746186 .52556581
.28186361 .489413
das32 .39308945 .20784672 .40532155 .27294979 .34535153 .15746432
das15 das16 das17 das18 das19 das20
das15 1
das16 .42843025 1
das17 .2715098 .55145526 1
das18 .40177144 .61553926 .40024254 1
das19 .33440658 .42463585 .27899256 .59261299 1
das20 .36273551 .64974173 .46385731 .63766106 .49851409 1
das21 .3495031 .54791334 .46836068 .50849809 .29701768
.44893774 1
das22 .35754035 .58076167 .43313462 .6023346 .4015379 .53049849
das23 .22245339 .42709582 .26960073 .52450195 .47138197 .48407088
das24 .28869687 .39769693 .23907163 .42040602 .42213481 .43759911
das25 .30213549 .42560391 .32038514 .50009688 .54269902 .43683276
das26 .3780645 .49861168 .32256891 .55895062 .50612039 .52789705
das27 .33505036 .46936441 .34072844 .52474993 .51335194 .46497783
das28 .27806576 .36007783 .21866912 .43091786 .39498232 .4013719
das29 .14391492 .27002725 .16091784 .22858012 .16480877 .30077832
das30 .2687126 .42673629 .3295372 .49543879 .36399201 .47287811
das31 .37635398 .67924448 .40919612 .72687442 .54662431 .66736428
das32 .22394362 .37040292 .25326946 .30576045 .39058949 .45059708
das22 das23 das24 das25 das26 das27
das22 1
das23 .42681021 1
das24 .41124172 .42101534 1
das25 .42970114 .45255165 .50364222 1
das26 .50953651 .57670573 .47293366 .68971886 1
das27 .50659321 .47978179 .49151468 .71981116 .70539631 1
das28 .38998676 .35492021 .46455837 .59195162 .54833839
.63541313 1
das29 .24271537 .2348952 .16562635 .20240707 .22845612 .19466781
das30 .43590664 .42594789 .34133411 .36934575 .47968264 .415452
das31 .62639611 .61326334 .48390416 .56170046 .6438142 .57205315
das32 .27699136 .3621606 .26743391 .30494233 .3731506 .2863538
das29 das30 das31 das32
das29 1
das30 .6029357 1
das31 .33279594 .53289225 1
das32 .13314184 .22366825 .45268499 1
El 05/11/2013 18:24, Marta Garcia-Granero escribió:
I am working with a translation of the Dyadic Adjustment Scale
(Spanier, 1976) in 915 cases. The scale is formed by 32 (das1...das32)
categorical items, 30 are 5-point Likert and 2 of them are binary. I
have been asked to get ordinal alphas for the total score and the 4
subscales (the author's got the paper in stand-by until corrected, and
came to me for help, I have less than two weeks to answer all the
questions asked by the reviewers) . After searching the Statalist
archive I found this solution:
I can't get pass the 3rd line (-factormat- command). I get the
following error:
factor estimation result not found
My code (adapted from the Statalist thread mentioned above):
polychoric das*
matrix define `C' = r(R)
factormat `C', n(915) factors(1)
tempname L Psi
matrix define `L' = e(L)
matrix define `Psi' = e(Psi)
local p = rowsof(`L')
tempname f f2 u2
scalar define `f' = 0
scalar define `f2' = 0
scalar define `u2' = 0
forvalues i = 1/`p' {
scalar define `f' = `f' + `L'[`i', 1]
scalar define `f2' = `f2' + `L'[`i', 1] * `L'[`i', 1]
scalar define `u2' = `u2' + `Psi'[1, `i']
scalar define `f' = `f' / `p'
scalar define `f2' = `f2' / `p'
scalar define `u2' = `u2' / `p'
tempname pf2
scalar define `pf2' = `p' * `f' * `f'
scalar define alpha = `p' / (`p' - 1) * ///
(`pf2' - `f2') / (`pf2' + `u2')
display in smcl as text "Ordinal alpha = " as result %06.4f alpha
alpha latent*
alpha das*, std
I'd be very grateful if somebody could help me.
Thanks in advance,
Marta GG
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