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Re: st: RE: Results of overidentification and underidentification test missing

From   Sutirtha Bagchi <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: RE: Results of overidentification and underidentification test missing
Date   Mon, 23 Sep 2013 09:53:46 -0400

For ivreg2, this is what I have:

ivreg2 3.1.07  28Jul2013


On Sun, Sep 22, 2013 at 7:26 PM, Sutirtha Bagchi <[email protected]> wrote:
> I did have a chance to update xtivreg2 and ranktest to the most
> current version and that solved the problem. The versions I now have
> are:
> . which xtivreg2, all
> c:\ado\plus\x\xtivreg2.ado
> *! xtivreg2 1.0.13 28Aug2011
> *! author mes
> . which ranktest, all
> c:\ado\plus\r\ranktest.ado
> *! ranktest 1.3.02  27Feb2012
> *! author mes, based on code by fk
> *! see end of file for version comments
> Thanks,
> Sutirtha
> On Sun, Sep 22, 2013 at 5:19 PM, Sutirtha Bagchi <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Hello Mark,
>> Thanks for responding. This is what I have:
>> xtivreg2: xtivreg2 1.0.13 28Aug2011
>> ranktest: ranktest 1.1.02  15oct2007
>> Thanks,
>> Sutirtha
>> On Sun, Sep 22, 2013 at 1:55 PM, Schaffer, Mark E <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> Sutirtha,
>>> Can you also tell us what versions of ivreg2 and ranktest you have installed?  xtivreg2 uses these programs.
>>> --Mark
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: [email protected] [mailto:owner-
>>>> [email protected]] On Behalf Of Sutirtha Bagchi
>>>> Sent: 21 September 2013 22:56
>>>> To: [email protected]
>>>> Subject: st: Results of overidentification and underidentification test missing
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I am using the user-written command -xtivreg2- in Stata11 (Stata/SE
>>>> 11.2 for Windows (32-bit)).
>>>> (*! xtivreg2 1.0.13 28Aug2011 *! author mes)
>>>> The issue I am facing is that in the Stata output, I find the results of the Under
>>>> identification and Weak Identification test missing. In particular, the
>>>> Kleibergen-Paap rk LM statistic and associated p-value and the Kleibergen-Paap
>>>> rk Wald F statistic are missing. Other test statistics such as the Hansen J
>>>> statistic for overidentification and the Shea partial R2 are present in the output.
>>>> I can verify that I have updated Stata and so that alone is unlikely to fix this
>>>> issue for me.
>>>>  Here are details of my data set on municipal pension plans where this comes
>>>> up.
>>>> I have one observation per pension plan per municipality per time period
>>>> (decade). For simplicity, let us say, I have 2 pension plans per municipality for ~
>>>> 1,000 municipalities for 3 decades - a total of
>>>> 2 X 1,000 X 3 or ~ 6,000 observations. I am looking at the effect of political
>>>> orientation of the municipality (more specifically, the independent variable is
>>>> average Democratic vote share in mayoral elections held in the last decade) on
>>>> a measure of funding for the pension plans offered by that municipality.
>>>> However, I am concerned about the possible endogeneity of the independent
>>>> variable and I therefore use demographic characteristics (percent of the
>>>> population that is self-employed and percent of the population that has a
>>>> disability) as instruments for the independent variable. As it turns out,
>>>> Democratic vote share goes up when the  percent of the population that is self-
>>>> employed goes down or when the percent of the population that has a disability
>>>> goes up.
>>>> The Stata command I use is:
>>>> xi: xtivreg2 wmeanactfundratio_emplgrp2 (average_share_dems_votes7 =
>>>> pctslfemplydownbiznotincp pctpop16to64wdisability) i.currentdecade, fe
>>>> gmm2s first cluster(county)
>>>> where wmeanactfundratio_emplgrp2 = Mean funding ratio of pension plan
>>>> offered by a municipality for a particular employee group (with the mean being
>>>> taken over a decade);
>>>> average_share_dems_votes7 = Average Democratic vote share for mayoral
>>>> races held in the last decade; pctslfemployedownbiznotincp = Percent of the
>>>> population that is self-employed; pctpop16to64wdisability = Percent of the
>>>> population between 16 to 64 that has a disability; i.currentdecade is a set of
>>>> dummy variables for the decade; and finally, county - These 1,000
>>>> municipalities can belong to one of ~ 65 counties. Clustering standard errors at
>>>> the county level is the most conservative and so I go with that.
>>>> Here is the output:
>>>> Warning - singleton groups detected.  117 observation(s) not used.
>>>> ------------------------
>>>> Number of groups =      1135               Obs per group: min =         2
>>>>                                                             avg =       4.6
>>>>                                                             max =         9
>>>>  First-stage regressions
>>>> -----------------------
>>>>  First-stage regression of average_share_dems_votes7:
>>>> ------------------------
>>>> Number of groups =      1135              Obs per group: min =         2
>>>>                                                            avg =       4.6
>>>>                                                            max =         9
>>>>  OLS estimation
>>>> --------------
>>>>  Estimates efficient for homoskedasticity only
>>>> Statistics robust to heteroskedasticity and clustering on county
>>>>  Number of clusters (county) = 65                      Number of obs =     5253
>>>>     F(  4,    64) =     8.95
>>>>     Prob > F      =   0.0000
>>>> Total (centered) SS     =  9.605866911             Centered R2   =   0.2599
>>>> Total (uncentered) SS   =  9.605866911           Uncentered R2 =   0.2599
>>>> Residual SS             =  7.109186342                 Root MSE      =   .04157
>>>>  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>              |               Robust
>>>> average_s~s7 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
>>>> -------------+----------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -------------+------
>>>> _Icurre~1990 |   .0355722   .0077302     4.60   0.000     .0201294     .051015
>>>> _Icurre~2000 |   .0432069   .0122536     3.53   0.001     .0187274    .0676864
>>>> pctslfempl~p |  -.0001385   .0007944    -0.17   0.862    -.0017255    .0014485
>>>> pctpop16to~y |   .0040835   .0013014     3.14   0.003     .0014837    .0066832
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Included instruments: _Icurrentde_1990 _Icurrentde_2000
>>>> pctslfemplydownbiznotincp pctpop16to64wdisability
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Partial R-squared of excluded instruments:   0.0327
>>>> Test of excluded instruments:
>>>> F(  2,    64) =     5.50
>>>> Prob > F      =   0.0062
>>>> Summary results for first-stage regressions
>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>> Variable    | Shea Partial R2 |   Partial R2    |  F(  2,    64)    P-value
>>>> average_shar|     0.0327      |     0.0327      |        5.50       0.0062
>>>> NB: first-stage F-stat cluster-robust
>>>> Underidentification tests
>>>> Ho: matrix of reduced form coefficients has rank=K1-1 (underidentified)
>>>> Ha: matrix has rank=K1 (identified)
>>>> Kleibergen-Paap rk LM statistic             Chi-sq(2)=.        P-val=     .
>>>> Kleibergen-Paap rk Wald statistic          Chi-sq(2)=.        P-val=     .
>>>>  Weak identification test
>>>> Ho: equation is weakly identified
>>>> Kleibergen-Paap Wald rk F statistic                    .
>>>> See main output for Cragg-Donald weak id test critical values
>>>>  Weak-instrument-robust inference
>>>> Tests of joint significance of endogenous regressors B1 in main equation
>>>> Ho: B1=0 and overidentifying restrictions are valid
>>>> Anderson-Rubin Wald test     F(2,64)=  0.92      P-val=0.4038
>>>> Anderson-Rubin Wald test     Chi-sq(2)=1.87     P-val=0.3927
>>>> Stock-Wright LM S statistic  Chi-sq(2)=1.87       P-val=0.3927
>>>> NB: Underidentification, weak identification and weak-identification-robust test
>>>> statistics cluster-robust
>>>> Number of clusters                      N_clust  =         65
>>>> Number of observations              N           =       5253
>>>> Number of regressors                 K           =          3
>>>> Number of instruments                L           =          4
>>>> Number of excluded instruments  L1        =          2
>>>>  2-Step GMM estimation
>>>> ---------------------
>>>>  Estimates efficient for arbitrary heteroskedasticity and clustering on county
>>>> Statistics robust to heteroskedasticity and clustering on county
>>>>  Number of clusters (county) = 65   Number of obs =     5253
>>>>                                                        F(  3,    64) =    14.86
>>>>                                                        Prob > F      =   0.0000
>>>> Total (centered) SS     =  29430177.08            Centered R2   =   0.0334
>>>> Total (uncentered) SS   =  29430177.08          Uncentered R2 =   0.0334
>>>> Residual SS             =  28447688.07                Root MSE      =    83.12
>>>>  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>              |               Robust
>>>> wmeanactfu~2 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
>>>> -------------+----------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -------------+------
>>>> average_s~s7 |   209.2071   159.7796     1.31   0.190    -103.9552    522.3693
>>>> _Icurre~1990 |  -30.10698   9.738608    -3.09   0.002    -49.19431   -11.01966
>>>> _Icurre~2000 |   -47.3599   11.90716    -3.98   0.000     -70.6975    -24.0223
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Underidentification test (Kleibergen-Paap rk LM statistic):                  .
>>>>                                                    Chi-sq(2) P-val =         .
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Weak identification test (Kleibergen-Paap rk Wald F statistic):              .
>>>> Stock-Yogo weak ID test critical values: 10% maximal IV size             19.93
>>>>                                          15% maximal IV size             11.59
>>>>                                          20% maximal IV size              8.75
>>>>                                          25% maximal IV size              7.25
>>>> Source: Stock-Yogo (2005).  Reproduced by permission.
>>>> NB: Critical values are for Cragg-Donald F statistic and i.i.d. errors.
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Hansen J statistic (overidentification test of all instruments):         0.017
>>>> Chi-sq(1) P-val =    0.8959
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Instrumented:         average_share_dems_votes7
>>>> Included instruments: _Icurrentde_1990 _Icurrentde_2000
>>>> Excluded instruments: pctslfemplydownbiznotincp pctpop16to64wdisability
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Please let me know if you need any further details. Thanks for any and all
>>>> suggestions,
>>>> Sutirtha Bagchi
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>> --
>> PhD Candidate, Business Economics,
>> Stephen M. Ross School of Business,
>> University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
> --
> PhD Candidate, Business Economics,
> Stephen M. Ross School of Business,
> University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

PhD Candidate, Business Economics,
Stephen M. Ross School of Business,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
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