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st: Checking goodness of fit of stcox when using the tvc() option
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Statalist <[email protected]>
st: Checking goodness of fit of stcox when using the tvc() option
Fri, 19 Jul 2013 15:52:45 +0800
Hello Nicole,
Ah, it looks like -stcurve- isn't compatible with -tvc-....
So, I'd be tempted to do -stsplit- and a Poisson model, the IRRs
should be essentially identical to your HRs.
then a GOF test for that (see also Dupont 'Statistical Modeling for
Biomedical Res').
Another option using -stpm2- :
************ Begin example ************
use, clear
stcox drug age, tvc(age)
* generate KM survival for each level
sts gen km1 = s if (drug == 0)
sts gen km2 = s if (drug == 1)
* Flex parametric model
stpm2 drug age, eform scale(haz) df(1) tvc(age) dftvc(1)
estat ic
* predict at mean population levels
* see "Flexible Parametric Survival Analysis Using Stata: Beyond the
Cox Model", chap 6-7
* Note: need to generate explicit dummy vars for each categorical var
sum age,, if drug
sum age,, if ! drug
predict double surv1, surv at(age 56.05 drug 0)
predict double surv2, surv at(age 55.75 drug 1)
twoway (line surv1 _t, sort lpattern(solid) lcolor(maroon)) ///
(line km1 _t, sort c(J) lpattern(longdash) lcolor(maroon)) ///
(line surv2 _t, sort lpattern(solid) lcolor(navy)) ///
(line km2 _t, sort c(J) lpattern(longdash) lcolor(navy)), ///
legend(label (1 "No drug") label (3 "Drug")) legend(order(1 3)) ///
note("Solid = Flex para. models; Dash= Kaplan-Meier", size(medlarge))
************ End example ************
Andrew Lover
Centre for Infectious Disease Epidemiology Research (CIDER)
Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health
National University of Singapore
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