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From | Enzo Coviello <> |
To | |
Subject | st: distrate updated |
Date | Tue, 02 Jul 2013 20:03:38 +0200 |
Dear Stata Users,thanks to Kit Baum an updated version of -distrate- is available on the SSC Archive.
-distrate- is a command for estimation of directly standardized rates (DSR) with improved confidence intervals (The Stata JournalVolume 12 Number 4 <>: pp. 688-701)
The updated version allows to compute standardized rate ratios (SRR) when by() option is specified. Confidence limits of SRR are computed according to the method proposed by Tiwari, Clegg and Zou (Statistical Methods in Medical Research 15: 547–569)
A new option -fay- allows also to compute the upper limit of DSR according to the formula proposed by Fay and Feuer that sometimes is still used even if the new Tiwari formula should preferred.
Bets wishes Enzo -- Enzo Coviello Epidemiology Unit - Cancer Registry ASL BT Piazza Umberto 1 76121 BARLETTA (BT) Italy mobile +39 347 5016016 tel +39 0883 577329 fax +39 0883 577288 Home +39 0883 695055 * * For searches and help try: * * *