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Re: st: likihood function is not concave in clogit model
Nina YIN <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: likihood function is not concave in clogit model
Fri, 29 Jun 2012 14:23:12 +0200
Hi Maarten,
Thank you for your suggestions!
As you suggested, I tried use products and year fixed effect
separately, however, it says that the year dummies omitted because of
no within-group variance.
The year dummies is the same as individual attributes which cannot be
added in this type of model, right?
On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 12:32 PM, Maarten Buis <[email protected]> wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 10:52 AM, Nina YIN wrote:
>> I have a purchasing data with more than 10000 observations over 20
>> products in 14 years. I am going to estimate the demand in conditional
>> fixed logit model. To solve the endogeneity problem, I need to add
>> product-year fixed effects. which implies 170 fixed effects should be
>> included in the clogit estimation. The results turn out that estimates
>> couldn't be achieved like this:
>> If I simply use products fixed effects, the convergence could be
>> achieved and estimates will return. I just don't get what's the
>> problem in my model, several references could achieve convergence even
>> with much higher dimension of fixed effects. But why I couldn't? Is it
>> because of the data variation or my model specification?
> By estimating a fixed effects model you throw away a lot of
> information, so it can easily happen that even with 10000 observations
> there just isn't enough information present in your data to estimate
> the effects of a 169 indicator variables. What about adding indicator
> variables for product and year but not their interaction? That way you
> would end up with a more manageable set of 32 indicator variables.
> -- Maarten
> --------------------------
> Maarten L. Buis
> Institut fuer Soziologie
> Universitaet Tuebingen
> Wilhelmstrasse 36
> 72074 Tuebingen
> Germany
> --------------------------
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Best Regards,
Nina YIN
Toulouse School of Economics
Manufacture des Tabacs
21 Allee de Brienne
Toulouse, 31000, France
Tel: 0033-(0)5 6123 8348
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