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Re: st: RE: plotting time series
stef salvez <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: RE: plotting time series
Sat, 2 Jun 2012 19:43:37 +0100
Nick thank you very much indeed.
In Stata the command
yla(1 "Italy" 2 "France", ang(h)) xla(, format(%td)) legend(off)
does not work as I get the warning message
unrecognized command: yla
Similarly for xla. I am so close to getting the desired plot!.Please help!!!!
On 6/2/12, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
> On a second reading I think I understood better. This may help:
> clear
> input str8 (France Italy)
> "22/02/09" "14/06/09
> "22/03/09" "12/7/09
> "19/04/09" "9/8/09
> "17/05/09" "6/9/09"
> "12/7/09" "4/10/09"
> "09/08/09" "01/11/09"
> "6/9/09" "29/11/09"
> "4/10/09" "27/12/09"
> "01/11/09" "31/01/10"
> "29/11/09" "28/02/10"
> "27/12/09" "28/03/10"
> "31/01/10" "1/5/10"
> end
> gen dFrance = date(France, "DM20Y")
> gen dItaly = date(Italy, "DM20Y")
> gen dF2 = dFrance - dFrance[_n-1]
> gen dI2 = dItaly - dItaly[_n-1]
> gen t2 = (dFr + dFr[_n-1]) / 2
> gen t1 = (dIt + dIt[_n-1]) / 2
> gen two = 2
> gen one = 1
> scatter two dFrance || scatter one dItaly || ///
> scatter two t2, ms(none) mla(dF2) mlabpos(12) || ///
> scatter one t1 , ms(none) mla(dI2) mlabpos(12) ///
> yla(1 "Italy" 2 "France", ang(h)) xla(, format(%td)) legend(off)
> On Sat, Jun 2, 2012 at 5:56 PM, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Sorry, I don't think I have a good understanding of what you want
>> here. In any case, adding lines can't add to information on spacing
>> that is not already shown on the graph.
>> Nick
>> On Sat, Jun 2, 2012 at 5:42 PM, stef salvez <[email protected]>
>> wrote:
>>> thank you NIck. It worked
>>> Let me explained what I did in order to tell you what I eventually need
>>> The MS excel file is the following
>>> have these sequence of dates in an excel file. The structure of the
>>> excel file is
>>> France Italy ......
>>> 22/02/09 14/06/09
>>> 22/03/09 12/7/2009
>>> 19/04/09 9/8/2009
>>> 17/05/09 6/9/2009
>>> 12/7/2009 4/10/2009
>>> 09/08/09 01/11/09
>>> 6/9/2009 29/11/09
>>> 4/10/2009 27/12/09
>>> 01/11/09 31/01/10
>>> 29/11/09 28/02/10
>>> 27/12/09 28/03/10
>>> 31/01/10
>>> The I apply the commands
>>> clear
>>> set trace off
>>> set more off
>>> set mem 120m
>>> cd d:\
>>> insheet using "dates0.csv"
>>> gen edate1 = date(v1, "DMY")
>>> gen edate2 = date(v2, "DMY")
>>> format edate1 %
>>> format edate2 %
>>> stripplot edate1 edate2
>>> and I get the desired plot. Yet the problem is that I also want to add
>>> on the top of each of these 2 lines the distance ( measured in days)
>>> between these successive dates for each country. And mark each
>>> distance with a symbol like { or [. Is is possible to extend the
>>> stripplot command somehow to achieve the desired resuls?
>>> thanks again
>>> Is it possible to add on the top of each of these 2 lines the
>>> distance ( measured in days) between these successive dates for each
>>> country. I would be grateful to you if you could also mark each
>>> distance with a symbol like { or [. I know it is a big challenge to
>>> you but for me is an impossible task
>>> thanks again
>>> On 6/1/12, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>> Have a look at -stripplot- from SSC.
>>>> Nick
>>>> [email protected]
>>>> stef salvez
>>>> I have a panel data across countries and individuals. For each country
>>>> I have a sequence of dates
>>>> For France for example
>>>> 22/02/09
>>>> 22/03/09
>>>> 19/04/09
>>>> 17/05/09
>>>> 12/07/09
>>>> 09/08/09
>>>> 06/09/09
>>>> 04/10/09
>>>> 01/11/09
>>>> 29/11/09
>>>> 27/12/09
>>>> 31/01/10
>>>> For Italy
>>>> 14/06/09
>>>> 12/07/09
>>>> 09/08/09
>>>> 06/09/09
>>>> 04/10/09
>>>> 01/11/09
>>>> 29/11/09
>>>> 27/12/09
>>>> 31/01/10
>>>> 28/02/10
>>>> 28/03/10
>>>> And I want to "plot" (in one graph) these sequences of dates in the
>>>> sense that I want to have a"visual" contact of each of the behaviour
>>>> of the series of dates because as you can see I do not have the same
>>>> start date and end date and the next date is not always every 28
>>>> days. So I have a jump in some cases. I would like to visualize these
>>>> characteristics-differences between the two series of dates by
>>>> making a plot.
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