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st: Abadie's Causal IV method in Stata

From   Karan Nagpal <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Abadie's Causal IV method in Stata
Date   Wed, 18 Apr 2012 11:39:18 +0100

Hello all,

I'm trying to estimate causal impacts in a binary dependent variable,
binary endogenous variable situation. One method recommended by
Angrist is Abadie's Causal IV method, that uses some kind of a
weighting scheme to estimate causal impacts using least squares.

If I have understood correctly, what it implies is estimation through
minimising least squares in which each observation's least square is
"weighted" (by kappa, a factor that allows us to identify impact among
the compliers). However, some of the individual weights can be

How to implement this in stata? I thought of using the weighted least
squares command, wls0, but that returns an error: "time series
estimators not allowed." I guess this happens because some of the
kappas are negative. Another idea is to estimate using probit, using
the weight command. My probit regression didn't achieve convergence
for more than 4000 iterations so I gave up.

Is there any way that I can estimate "weighted" least squares where
weights can be negative?
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