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st: Large data set and post-saving problems

From   Bilge Eris <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Large data set and post-saving problems
Date   Thu, 12 Apr 2012 16:18:40 +0200

Hi to all,

I have a question about studying with large datasets and problems occuring after "save.., raplace".

I am working with a data set with 1.5 million rows, and 20 columns in the beginnig. For this reason I can not work on my oersonel computer, I am working on my university's server.

I am creating necesarry dummies for my work(like around 700 dummies). They are being created properly. Before saving the new file, I am checking for some simple stats for variables, everything seems to be OK. But after saving the new file with a new name and using replace command in any case; clearing and using the lastly saved dataset, some of my variables start to have troubles! I really don't know what is happening really, but it seems that variables shift into each other.

For example when I tabulate gender(which was inherent before creating dummies), the following output arrives:

  gender |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
         -1 |         43        0.00        0.00
          w |    481,424       35.46       35.46
          m |    876,354       64.54      100.00
          4 |          2        0.00      100.00
         94 |          1        0.00      100.00
      Total |  1,357,824      100.00

And this is not the case always. When I do everything from the beginning, I obtain totally different variables and tabulations in the end.

I am using an offical Stata 10.1, I tried update all, update swap, and all other recommendations under this topic, but is still does not work.

Do you have any idea how I can come over this problem?
Thank you.

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