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Re: st: calculating cumulative values of other observations

From   Nick Cox <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: calculating cumulative values of other observations
Date   Sat, 7 Apr 2012 09:08:49 +0100

Why not

bysort id activity (time): gen priorhrs = sum(time) - time


On 7 Apr 2012, at 02:29, Eric Booth <[email protected]> wrote:



//input example data//
inp ID    str18 date  str4 activity hours
1    20071230  A    10
1    20071122  A    11
2    20071120  A    5
3    20071210  B    6
3    20071111  B    24
3    20071130  F    20
3    20070511  B    49
4    20070611  A    50

g date2 = date(date, "YMD")
format date2 %td
sort ID activity date2

//gen prior hours var//
g priorhrs = 0
forval n = 1/`=_N' {
by ID activity: replace priorhrs =  ///
   priorhrs + hours[_n-`n']  ///
   if date2[_n]>=date2[_n-`n']

- Eric

Eric A. Booth
Public Policy Research Institute
Texas A&M University
[email protected]

On Apr 6, 2012, at 6:09 PM, KOTa wrote:

Hi all,

i have a data looking like this:

ID date activity hours prior result should be:
1    20071230      A    10       ?    <--    11
1    20071122            A    11       ?        0
2    20071120            A    5       ?        0
3    20071210            B    6       ?        73
3    20071111            B    24       ?        49
3    20071130            F    20       ?        0
3    20070511            B    49       ?        0
4    20070611            A    50       ?        0

(better picture here )

i need to fill "prior" column with following:
- amount of hours spent on same activity by same user(ID) prior to
date of current activity.

in case of observation 4(line 4) activity is B, so prior = sum of
hours spent on activity B before it took place (i.e. before 20071210)
there are 2 such observations, one with 49 hour, another with 24.
Therefore, prior = 24+49=73.

any suggestions how to make this simple?

i was thinking to use "sort" and "by:", but i can't figure out how to
conditionally("if")  sum up values from different observations into
"prior" var
its not a first time i encounter similar problem and always took some
way around, but this time i decided to ask, maybe there is proper,
simple way to do this

thank you in advance

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