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From | ming li <> |
To | |
Subject | st: gpscore |
Date | Fri, 30 Mar 2012 15:30:29 +0800 |
Hello, I'm trying to use gpscore in my stata, but the programs breaks every time. I cannot even run the following example do-file. clear use "LotteryDataSet.dta", clear qui gen cut = 23 if prize<=23 qui replace cut = 80 if prize>23 & prize<=80 qui replace cut = 485 if prize >80 #delimit ; gpscore agew male ownhs owncoll tixbot workthen yearw yearm1 yearm2 yearm3 yearm4 yearm5 yearm6, t(prize) gpscore(pscore) predict(hat_treat) sigma(sd) cutpoints(cut) index(p50) nq_gps(5) t_transf(ln) det ; #delimit cr clear exit Stata returns "invalid syntax" every time after generating the variables T and _MLtu1. I cannot get the estimated propensity score using this command. Could you help me with it? Very much appreciate your kind help Ming * * For searches and help try: * * *