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Re: st: Multilevel SEM
[email protected] (Jeff Pitblado, StataCorp LP)
[email protected]
Re: st: Multilevel SEM
Wed, 21 Dec 2011 15:18:05 -0600
Christopher Salas-Wright <[email protected]> is getting a Mata
runtime error from -sem-:
> I have been having difficulty using multilevel (or second-order) structural
> equation models using Stata/IC 12.0. I have had no problem running first
> order structural equation models with a combination of observed exogenous
> variables and latent endogenous variables using, for example, the following
> syntax:
> sem (friend5 friend6 <- PEER) (gras7 gras8 <- BELIEFS) (drugcut drugcrit
> drugguil alc1 ciga1 drug1 <- SUBST) (rcope_d -> PEER) (hodge5_d-> PEER)
> (empathy_d -> PEER) (ptsd_d -> PEER) (goodlivefam -> PEER) (edusingl->
> PEER) (gender-> PEER) (age1-> PEER) (PEER -> BELIEFS) (BELIEFS -> SUBST)
> (hodge5_d-> SUBST) (gender->SUBST) (goodlivefam->SUBST) if _mi_m ==0, cov
> (e.drugguil*e.drugcut) cov (e.drugcrit*e.drugcut)
> cov(e.drugcrit*e.drugguil) method (mlmv) stand
> However, I receive a long error message (see below) every time that I try
> to write the syntax for a second order model for my dependent variable
> (SUBST), using the following syntax:
> sem (friend5 friend6 <- PEER) (gras7 gras8 <- BELIEFS) (drugcut drugcrit
> drugguil <- ABU) (alc1 ciga1 drug1 <- USE) (ABU USE <- SUBST) (rcope_d ->
> PEER) (hodge5_d-> PEER) (empathy_d -> PEER) (ptsd_d -> PEER) (goodlivefam
> -> PEER) (edusingl-> PEER) (gender-> PEER) (age1-> PEER) (PEER -> BELIEFS)
> (BELIEFS -> SUBST) if _mi_m ==0, method (mlmv) stand
> This is the error message:
> "Fitting baseline model:
> Iteration 0: log likelihood = -3507.3904
> Iteration 1: log likelihood = -3504.3428
> Iteration 2: log likelihood = -3504.3299
> Iteration 3: log likelihood = -3504.3299
> _sem_iv(): 3301 subscript invalid
> _sem_build__params(): - function returned error
> _sem_build(): - function returned error
> _sem_parse(): - function returned error
> st_sem_parse_and_build(): - function returned error
> <istmt>: - function returned error
> r(3301);"
> Is anyone aware of the mistake I might be making? Thank you! My sample
> size is 300.
The Mata runtime error is a bug. We believe we have a fix for it, which should
be in the next Stata update.
Christopher is welcome to privately send me his data and a do-file that
reproduces the problem and I'll verify that we have this fixed.
[email protected]
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