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st: success in using -genmatch- on a PC?

From   "Ariel Linden, DrPH" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: success in using -genmatch- on a PC?
Date   Wed, 21 Dec 2011 10:59:10 -0500

I was wondering if anyone using a PC (not a Mac) has had success in using
-genmatch- a program written by Jasjeet Sekhon at UC Berkeley and found at
Erin Hartman's webpage:

I get an error saying that the command cannot find the component parts in
the directory, even though they are all there. I am not sure if it has to do
with the fact that the program was designed for OS Mac systems. There is a
statement on the website " At this time the code is only developed for
Intel-based Mac OS X. A Windows version is currently being developed. Please
check back for updates."

I have been unsuccessful in contacting the authors. Perhaps someone has been
able to successfully implement this program on a windows based PC? I thought
I'd give it a try...


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