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Re: st: question about seqlogit
Alberto R Osella <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: question about seqlogit
Tue, 29 Nov 2011 14:29:18 +0100
Stupid question. Forgot it
Alberto R. Osella, MD, PhD
Laboratorio di Epidemiologia e Biostatistica
IRCCS Saverio de Bellis
Via Turi, 27
70013 Castellana Grotte (BA)
Tel: +39 0804994655
Fax: +39 0804994650
e-mail: [email protected]
Il 29/11/2011 13:30, Maarten Buis ha scritto:
On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 12:56 PM, Alberto R Osella wrote:
It may be this is not the right place to formulate this question but I don't
know other way.
I'm using Stata 12 on win7 and I've performed an sequental logit by using
the user-written -seqlogit-
which works fine. After taking a look at the references on -help seqlogit-
I've read two references by Buis M.
In one of them there is a graphic that I was not to able to reproduce
(, pag 124, Figure 6.8:
Contribution of each transition to IEOut).
Is there someone who has used this command and have do this graphic?
Alberta has asked me privately before, which in this case is correct
as it involves one of my programs and my dissertation. I was busy at
the time and I forgot. Sorry about that.
Below is an example:
*---------------- begin example -------------------
use, clear
seqlogit degree sibs south country suburb city ///
coh if black == 0, or ///
tree(0:1 2 3 4, 1:2 3 4, 2 : 3 4 , 3 : 4) ///
ofinterest(paeduc) over(coh) ///
levels(0=9, 1=12, 2=14, 3=16, 4=18)
keep if e(sample)
replace sibs = 1
replace south = 0 // i.e. north
replace country = 0
replace suburb = 0
replace city = 0 // i.e. town
sum paeduc, meanonly
replace paeduc = r(mean)
replace _paeduc_X_coh = paeduc*coh
bys coh : keep if _n == 1
predict w* , trweight
forvalues i = 1/4 {
gen contr`i' = w`i'*([#`i']_b[paeduc]+ [#`i']_b[ _paeduc_X_coh]*coh)
gen contr0 = 0
replace contr2 = contr1 + contr2
replace contr3 = contr2 + contr3
replace contr4 = contr3 + contr4
twoway rarea contr0 contr1 coh || ///
rarea contr1 contr2 coh || ///
rarea contr2 contr3 coh || ///
rarea contr3 contr4 coh , ///
xlab(2(2)8) ///
legend(order( 1 "attain high school" ///
2 "any college versus high school" ///
3 "junior college versus more" ///
4 "bachelor versus graduate" ) pos(6))
*---------------- end example -------------------
Hope this helps,
Maarten L. Buis
Institut fuer Soziologie
Universitaet Tuebingen
Wilhelmstrasse 36
72074 Tuebingen
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