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Re: st: what is the command that used to be "outreg" in the old version
Muhammad Anees <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: what is the command that used to be "outreg" in the old version
Sat, 26 Nov 2011 17:02:30 +0500
Yes, I agree with Daniel. The -esttab- or -estout- are not part of
official Stata, but still the help files from both gives that these
are generally used to export regression results from Stata to some
common file types like txt, doc, xls, csv etc. in general. Both works
after estimating results as stored by -estimates store- or -eststo-
esttab is a wrapper for estout. It produces a pretty-looking
publication-style regression table from stored estimates without much
typing. The compiled table is displayed in the Stata results window or,
optionally, written to a text file specified by using filename. If filename
is specified without suffix, a default suffix is added depending on the
specified document format (".smcl" for smcl, ".txt" for fixed and tab,
".csv" for csv and scsv, ".rtf" for rft, ".html" for html, and ".tex" for
tex and booktabs).
and the -estout- for
but in part. -esttab- only saves the out on Stata output window, not
exporting. As a simple starting point, reading for estta
On Sat, Nov 26, 2011 at 3:57 PM, daniel klein
<[email protected]> wrote:
> Note that neither -estout- (or -esttab-, which is just a wrapper for
> -estout-) nor -outreg- are or have ever been part of official Stata.
> These are user-written programs and need to be installed before you
> can use them. This should be indicated in the "textbook" To my
> knowledge there are (at least) three programs to export (regression)
> tabes from Stata. They are: -outreg- (John Luke Gallup ), -outreg2-
> (Roy Wada) and -estout- (Ben Jann). All are available on the SSC
> server (in Stata type -h ssc-).
> The claim that
> "Currently -esttab-, -estout- are used to export Stata output as
> publishable Table."
> is not, in general, true (at least I am not aware of any data that
> would support it) and you will have to decide which command to use for
> yourself.
> Best
> Daniel
> --
> "what is the command that used to be "outreg" in the old version?
> The textbook uses the command outreg in version 10.0,But my version
> can not find the command "outreg""
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Muhammad Anees
Assistant Professor
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology
Attock 43600, Pakistan
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