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st: wild looking elasticity figures from nlsur_aids

From   Mintewab Bezabih <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: wild looking elasticity figures from nlsur_aids
Date   Thu, 24 Nov 2011 21:29:34 +0100

Dear statalisters, 

I have gotten some rather large elasticity figures after employing nlsur_aids estimation. I was happy to have gotten to elastiities after the help I have gotten in this forum (particularly from Jorge and Nick) but I could not figure out why my elasticities are so huge. I checked the descriptive statistics for my shares and prices and they are quite in line with those in other similar studies. As usual, I appreciate the help I may get from here.


here is an example of how large my price elasticities are:

elpnc11 |  -3.47e+08 
elpnc12 |   4.94e+07
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