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Re: st: Store results from table command in matrix
Barbro Widerstedt <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: Store results from table command in matrix
Wed, 23 Nov 2011 18:08:24 +0100
Thank you Kit and Nick; now I know that it's just not due my inferior
searching of the archive that I have failed to find this.
(Why I would want to do this? sometimes I want to repeat a command
that is not "byable" by a particular subset , e.g. year, and then use
that number for something else. If I forget to populate a matrix in
the loop, a table could be an alternative way to get to the data
without redoing the loop. My 'algorithmic mind' works this way; it may
not be optimal, but at least I understand what I am doing)
Thanks again
On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 5:02 PM, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
> I agree with Kit's emphasis and details.
> In addition, note that -collapse- can be used to produce a small
> dataset of means which can be exported elsewhere.
> Nick
> On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 3:52 PM, Christopher Baum <[email protected]> wrote:
>> <>
>> Barbro asks
>> Is there something similar to tabstatmat or makematrix for the table command?
>> I would like to use the results from a "table" command as a matrix.
>> -- example command
>> .table var1 var2 , c(mean var3) concise
>> does a simple solution to this problem exist?
>> Please help - I do seem to have problems in phrasing the question in a
>> way that doesn't produce a huge number of irrelevant results
>> No. As you can see from --return list--, the --table-- command does not save anything beyond the sample size.
>> Ian Watson's --tabout-- from SSC can be used to do this in a somewhat roundabout manner.
>> sysuse auto
>> tabout mpg rep78 using junk.csv, c(mean price) sum replace f(1)
>> insheet using junk.csv,clear
>> destring v*, force replace
>> This will create numeric variables. If you want them as a Stata matrix (why?) you can use mkmat. Note that values not appearing in the two-way table show up as missings, so you might want to mvencode them as zeros (or not).
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