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st: dfuller: why do I get different results?

From   Yuval Arbel <[email protected]>
To   statalist <[email protected]>
Subject   st: dfuller: why do I get different results?
Date   Fri, 18 Nov 2011 13:30:15 +0200

Dear Statalist Participants,

when I run:

. dfuller reduct_per if appt==2862,noconstant regress

I get the following outcome:

Dickey-Fuller test for unit root                   Number of obs   =        37

                               ---------- Interpolated Dickey-Fuller ---------
                  Test         1% Critical       5% Critical      10% Critical
               Statistic           Value             Value             Value
 Z(t)             -6.026            -2.641            -1.950            -1.605

D.reduct_per |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
  reduct_per |
         L1. |  -.5409015   .0897625    -6.03   0.000    -.7229484   -.3588546

Those outcomes imply that the calculated statistic for the unit-root
test is -6.03

But when I define:

bysort appt: gen reduct1=reduct_per[_n-1]
bysort appt: gen dreduct1=reduct_per-reduct_per[_n-1]

and I run:

regress dreduct1 reduct1 if appt==2862,noconst

I get:

. regress dreduct1 reduct1  if appt==2862,noconst

      Source |       SS       df       MS              Number of obs =      36
-------------+------------------------------           F(  1,    35) =    0.00
       Model |           0     1           0           Prob > F      =  1.0000
    Residual |         625    35  17.8571429           R-squared     =  0.0000
-------------+------------------------------           Adj R-squared = -0.0286
       Total |         625    36  17.3611111           Root MSE      =  4.2258

    dreduct1 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
     reduct1 |          0   .0509647     0.00   1.000    -.1034639    .1034639

Shouldn't I get exactly the same outcomes in both regressions?

Dr. Yuval Arbel
School of Business
Carmel Academic Center
4 Shaar Palmer Street, Haifa, Israel
e-mail: [email protected]
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