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st: RE: Looping over observations
Nick Cox <[email protected]>
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
st: RE: Looping over observations
Thu, 17 Nov 2011 11:47:06 +0000
That is correct.
-while- works on a single true-or-false flag, and if variables are specified then their values in the first observation are used to compute the flag. This is an FAQ and documented at
If your problem really is a loop over observations, then loop from first to last. Don't use a -while- loop at all, but -forval-.
[email protected]
Albert Navarro
We have simulated an arbitrary number of observations of survival data, where each individual can have several episodes and each episode has its own generating process, from the first one until the fourth. From the fourth episode and until the time when a new episode occurs is before the follow-up time (which is a fixed parameter in our simulation) we want to generate new episodes for each individual. We have tried to do this with a ‘while’ loop, but it only takes into account the value for the first individual, and this is no option for us as we want this loop running for each individual. Any ideas on how to do this?
Our current code (part of the loop):
while (suma < max_time) {
replace ui = uniform() if (suma < 120 & it4 == 1)
gen t`i'c = ((log(1/ui)/0.009961534))^(1/ 1.42213732720679) if (suma < 120 & it4 == 1)
replace uj = uniform() if (suma < 120 & it4 == 1)
gen t`i'b = ((log(1/uj)/0.1717102))^(1/0. 85817155198598) if (suma < 120 & it4 == 1)
replace suma = `suma' + t`i'b
gen it`i' = 1 if (suma < 120 & it4 == 1)
replace it`i' = 0 if (t`i'c < t`i'b | suma > `time')
local i = `i' + 1
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