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st: RE: Understanding the mechanics of the sum() function

From   Nick Cox <[email protected]>
To   "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Understanding the mechanics of the sum() function
Date   Mon, 14 Nov 2011 10:46:00 +0000

`a' and `b' I take to be quite secondary here. There is a difference as -sum(`exp')- is affected by what is in the current observation if `exp' is so affected, and will return 0 in circumstances in which `exp' + what's inherited will return missing. 

For example set 

set obs 10
gen z = . 
local a 0 
local b 1 
local exp z 
generate y1 = `a' + `b' * sum(`exp')
gen y2 = .
replace y2 = `a' + `b' * (`exp' + cond(missing(y2[_n-1]), 0, y2[_n-1]))

I doubt you could make your code faster as your code requires more interpretation. 

[email protected] 

Billy Schwartz

Is there a difference between

. generate y = `a' + `b' * sum(`exp')


. generate y = .
. replace y = `a' + `b' * (`exp' + cond(missing(y[_n-1]), 0, y[_n-1]))

where `a', `b', and `exp' are arbitrary Stata expressions? If they're
not the same, is there a way of modifying the second to make it the
same as the first? (If they're the same in effect, is one faster than
the other?)

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