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Re: st: svy + aweights

From   Joerg Luedicke <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: svy + aweights
Date   Thu, 10 Nov 2011 15:37:11 -0500

Then it seems to be a problem of reliability of your measure, i.e.,
measurement for obese kids is less reliable than measurement for
non-obese kids, right? Now, if you upweight the obese kids in your
sample, why would that enhance the reliability of their measurement?
If I understand the problem correctly, then weighting strikes me as
the wrong approach here.

Perhaps you could consider not averaging at all and running a
multilevel model of some sort.


On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 3:23 PM, Jeph Herrin <[email protected]> wrote:
> For each day, I have 1440 minutes (24 hours) of measurements. Each minute
> has an activity measure, 0-30,000. I want to compare how active the kids
> (these are all children) are, so I calculate an activity measurement for
> each day (to keep it simple here I will say it is the median, though
> actually
> it is a complicated function of the activity levels over the day).
> id   day1 day2 day3   obese  average  days
> 1    500   500  500     Y      500      3
> 2    1000               N     1000      1
> Now I want to compare kids who are normal weight to those who are
> obese. It turns out, I don't have as many measurements on the obese
> kids because they did not wear their monitor as often. So the
> active kids have more precise daily averages than the obese kids.
> To compare average activity, I want to account for the differences
> in precision.
> If this was not -svy- data, I would use something like
>   ttest average [aw=days], by(obese)
> even better -reshape- the data to have one record per day per id and use
>  xtset id
>  xtreg average
> But here I have this complex survey design to deal with.
> thanks,
> Jeph
> On 11/10/2011 3:06 PM, Joerg Luedicke wrote:
>> I do not quite understand what you are trying to do. Suppose we have
>> two individuals, one measured only once and the other on, say, 3
>> occasions. Let's further assume that activity is measured in minutes
>> (btw, how is your dependent variable measured?). We could have the
>> following data:
>> id day1 day2 day3
>> 1  30
>> 2  10  10  10
>> If you calculate the minutes per day now (whether or not this being a
>> proper way of handling it), id#1 will end up with 30 and id#2 with 10
>> minutes. I do not understand why id#2 is supposed to weigh more than
>> id#1?
>> J.
>> On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 2:34 PM, Jeph Herrin<[email protected]>  wrote:
>>> Thanks for the suggestion, but I specifically need to give more
>>> weight to subjects which have more days of observation. For example,
>>> I have
>>>   svy : regress activity female BMI
>>> and would like this regression to give more weight to subjects which
>>> have more days of observation. Using activity/days as the dependent
>>> variable will not do this.
>>> Jeph
>>> On 11/10/2011 1:58 PM, Stas Kolenikov wrote:
>>>> Rather than forming the mean activity per day, you might want to
>>>> analyze this as a ratio:
>>>> svy : ratio activity / day_reported
>>>> or whatever would be an appropriate ratio. That way, you will get
>>>> correct standard errors without messing with the analytical weights.
>>>> On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 1:46 PM, Jeph Herrin<[email protected]>
>>>>  wrote:
>>>>> I am analyzing NHANES data (see manual page for -svyset-) using -svy-
>>>>> commands. My complication is that I am using the subset of subjects for
>>>>> which there is activity monitoring, and the number of days monitored
>>>>> varies
>>>>> from 1 to 8. So - to be clear - for some subjects I have 1 day of
>>>>> monitoring,
>>>>> and for some I have 2 days, some I have 3, etc. My dependent variable
>>>>> of
>>>>> interest is daily average activity levels, but I would like this to be
>>>>> weighted by the number of days monitored. (This is important because
>>>>> there
>>>>> seems to be a clear relationship between days monitored and age, race,
>>>>> etc).
>>>>> How do I incorporate this additional level of weighting? For instance,
>>>>> if I use
>>>>>  svy : mean depvar [aw=days]
>>>>> I get an error that weights are not reported.
>>>>> thanks,
>>>>> Jeph
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