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st: Standardized coefficients using nestreg: svy

From   Patricia Logan-Greene <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Standardized coefficients using nestreg: svy
Date   Sun, 06 Nov 2011 18:17:19 -0500

Hello All,

We are hoping to get standardized betas when using nested regressions and the svy commands. The usual command (,beta) doesn't work with the svy commands. Adding listcoef after the nestreg command, unfortunately, only provides the betas for the last step. One can repeat each step of the nested regression separately, adding listcoef after each step, however the sample n in earlier steps does not always match the n included in the nested regression, as cases with missing values on later steps are excluded from all steps in nestreg.

Is there another way to get the betas? I suppose one could limit the sample to those with full data on all variables, OR could standardize all the variables before running the regression. Would love to hear if there's another option.


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