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RE: st: RE: macro of macros?
Nick Cox <[email protected]>
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
RE: st: RE: macro of macros?
Sun, 6 Nov 2011 16:23:57 +0000
Here's another way. You don't have to count. But you still need to get the code right!
local I = 0
local set`++I' frog toad
local set`++I' toad newt
local set`++I' dinosaur aardvark
local set`++I' sasuser spssuser
forval i = 1/`I' {
di "`set`i''"
frog toad
toad newt
dinosaur aardvark
sasuser spssuser
[email protected]
Maria Ana Vitorino
thanks. That is indeed a simple solution to this problem. I usually
try to avoid using #delimit because I like to paste parts of the code
into the command window directly and that cannot be done when
#delimit is used. But in this case there may not be a way around it...
On Nov 6, 2011, at 10:52 AM, Nick Cox wrote:
> That strikes me as being a question about laying out your code. You
> can use multiline definitions in conjunction with #delimit ; .
> Nick
> [email protected]
> Maria Ana Vitorino
> ok. so maybe I wasn't clear....
> What Tirthankar suggested (which is below) works fine but the problem
> is that it's not very easy to read what are the different sets used in
> the estimation, i.e. the first line inTirthankar's suggested code can
> get very long and hard to read if one has many different
> specifications with many variables.
> So, what I was trying to do was to define the different sets in
> separate lines so that it's easier to read and make changes. What you
> proposed in the previous response works well but may be prone to
> errors so I was wondering if there was a way around that.
> Is it more clear what I'm looking for now? Any help is appreciated.
> Tirthankar's suggestion:
> local rhssets ""x1 x2" "x4 x5" "x2 x6""
> local counter = 1
> foreach x of local rhssets {
> reg y `x'
> predict yhat`counter'
> local counter = `counter' +1
> }
> Your suggestion:
> local index
> local set1 "x1 x2"
> local index `index' 1
> local set2 "x2 x3"
> local index `index' 2
> foreach i of local index {
> reg y xvars `set`i''
> }
> Ana
> On Nov 6, 2011, at 10:29 AM, Nick Cox wrote:
>> You can do what Tirthankar showed you just recently. In many ways
>> it's a better method. For reasons that weren't clear to me it seemed
>> that you wanted something different.
>> You might find these tutorials useful:
>> SJ-3-2 pr0009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Speaking Stata: Problems
>> with lists
>> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
>> N. J. Cox
>> Q2/03 SJ 3(2):185--202 (no
>> commands)
>> discusses ways of working through lists held in macros
>> SJ-2-2 pr0005 . . . . . . Speaking Stata: How to face lists with
>> fortitude
>> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
>> N. J. Cox
>> Q2/02 SJ 2(2):202--222 (no
>> commands)
>> demonstrates the usefulness of for, foreach, forvalues, and
>> local macros for interactive (non programming) tasks
>> Nick
>> [email protected]
>> Maria Ana Vitorino
>> Thanks Nick. This is very helpful.
>> This requires that every time I add a set I have to include two
>> additional lines and to make sure that the name of the set is in line
>> with the index. Using the example again,
>> If I add another set, say set 4 I need to do:
>> local set4 "x5 x6"
>> local index `index' 4
>> but suppose that what I do (by mistake) is
>> local set4 "x5 x6"
>> local index `index' 3
>> Any chance I can add another set in such a way that these types of
>> mistakes won't happen?
>> Thanks!
>> Ana
>> On Nov 6, 2011, at 10:07 AM, Nick Cox wrote:
>>> Wildcards are for variable names only. But you don't need any such
>>> device here. There are various ways to approach what you want.
>>> Here's one:
>>> local index
>>> local set1 "x1 x2"
>>> local index `index' 1
>>> local set2 "x2 x3"
>>> local index `index' 2
>>> foreach i of local index {
>>> reg y xvars `set`i''
>>> }
>>> Nick
>>> [email protected]
>>> Maria Ana Vitorino
>>> I've only recently started experimenting with macros and I have the
>>> following question: can we have a macro of macros and loop through
>>> the
>>> different sub-macros without having to set beforehand how many sub-
>>> macros there are in the macro? Maybe it's easier to understand what
>>> I'm looking for with an example:
>>> I know that the following can be done:
>>> local set1 "x1 x2"
>>> local set2 "x2 x3"
>>> local sets ""`set1'" "`set2'"" ***
>>> foreach xvars of local sets {
>>> reg y xvars
>>> }
>>> But, instead of having to list all the macros in the line ***, can
>>> we
>>> have something like:
>>> local set1 "x1 x2"
>>> local set2 "x2 x3"
>>> local sets ""`set'*""
>>> foreach xvars of local sets {
>>> reg y xvars
>>> }
>>> Ideally I would like to add (or remove) sets as a please so I
>>> wouldn't
>>> like to have to keep updating the line *** everytime I do so...
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