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st: possible bug in merge, keepusing

From   Robert Duval <>
Subject   st: possible bug in merge, keepusing
Date   Sat, 5 Nov 2011 07:56:01 -0600

Dear all.

I apologize for calling out a bug, but i think there is something
wrong with the merge command with the keepusing option. Consider the
following code

sysuse auto
collapse price-headroom , by(foreign)

foreach j of var price-head {
rename `j' M`j'

save col

sysuse auto
merge m:1 foreign using col, keepusing(Mprice-Mrep78)

the output I get from my Stata/MP 11.2 for Windows (64-bit x86-64) is

variable Mprice-Mrep78 not found in using dataset

namely it fails to recognize that Mprice-Mrep78 is a valid varlist.
Instead if I enter the variables individually, i.e. Mprice Mmpg Mrep78
everything goes as expected. In other words although the manual
specifies that the keepusing() option accepts a varlist argument it
doesn't recognize (at least in my case) the standar thisvar-thatvar
varlist statement.

Am I missing something here? Can you reproduce the mistake?
Thanks in advance.
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