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Re: st: Sjlatex and MikTex

From   Alberto R Osella <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Sjlatex and MikTex
Date   Fri, 04 Nov 2011 11:01:55 +0100

Thank you Nick

Alberto R. Osella, MD, PhD
Laboratorio di Epidemiologia e Biostatistica
IRCCS Saverio de Bellis
Via Turi, 27
70013 Castellana Grotte (BA)
Tel:    +39 0804994655
Fax:    +39 0804994650
e-mail: [email protected]

Il 04/11/2011 10:49, Nick Cox ha scritto:
There does seem to be some problem at the Stata Journal end. I trust
that StataCorp will have a look at this when they get into work in a
few hours' time.


On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 9:28 AM, Alberto R Osella
<[email protected]>  wrote:
Dear All,
I'm having some troubles when using sjlatex. I use Stata 12 on W7 and I've
done the following:

sjlatex install
All file have been installed and the I've used the following example:

. sjlog using desc_hsb2

. d

Contains data from
  obs:           200                          highschool and beyond (200
  vars:            11                          17 Jun 2002 08:48
  size:         8,800
              storage  display     value
variable name   type   format      label      variable label
id              float  %9.0g
female          float  %9.0g       fl
race            float  %12.0g      rl
ses             float  %9.0g       sl
schtyp          float  %9.0g       scl        type of school
prog            float  %9.0g       sel        type of program
read            float  %9.0g                  reading score
write           float  %9.0g                  writing score
math            float  %9.0g                  math score
science         float  %9.0g                  science score
socst           float  %9.0g                  social studies score
Sorted by:

. sjlog close
(note: file
not found)

. sjlog type desc_hsb2.log.tex
. d
Contains data from
  obs:           200                          highschool and beyond (200
  vars:            11                          17 Jun 2002 08:48
  size:         8,800
              storage  display     value
variable name   type   format      label      variable label
id              float  \%9.0g
female          float  \%9.0g       fl
race            float  \%12.0g      rl
ses             float  \%9.0g       sl
schtyp          float  \%9.0g       scl        type of school
prog            float  \%9.0g       sel        type of program
read            float  \%9.0g                  reading score
write           float  \%9.0g                  writing score
math            float  \%9.0g                  math score
science         float  \%9.0g                  science score
socst           float  \%9.0g                  social studies score
Sorted by:

I've copied and pasted the file in MikTex 2.9 but the typesseting stops
because MikTex don't find the file
Stata.sty. I know this is not a "Stata question" but may be someone coul
help me.
Thank you in advance

Alberto R. Osella, MD, PhD
Laboratorio di Epidemiologia e Biostatistica
IRCCS Saverio de Bellis
Via Turi, 27
70013 Castellana Grotte (BA)
Tel:    +39 0804994655
Fax:    +39 0804994650
e-mail: [email protected]

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