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st: RE: RE: RE: How to label days of week and hours of day on x axis
Nick Cox <[email protected]>
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
st: RE: RE: RE: How to label days of week and hours of day on x axis
Wed, 2 Nov 2011 21:01:45 +0000
That can be automated with numlists. Again, this is explained in -help axis label options-.
[email protected]
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Guang Dai
Sent: 02 November 2011 20:47
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: RE: RE: How to label days of week and hours of day on x axis
hi Nick,
thanks for the clarification on week.
For most of the cases, speeling all the labels and ticks desired is a what I do. However, my need to draw the same graph for many weeks in many years, spelling all the labels
is a daunting job..
Guang Dai | Economist, Market Surveillance Administrator | 403.705.3183 | #500, 400 - 5th Avenue S.W., Calgary AB T2P 0L6 |
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Nick Cox
Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2011 2:38 PM
To: '[email protected]'
Subject: st: RE: How to label days of week and hours of day on x axis
On your first question: I think you are misunderstanding what -week()- does. There is a discussion in
SJ-10-4 dm0052 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stata tip 68: Week assumptions
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N. J. Cox
Q4/10 SJ 10(4):682--685 (no commands)
tip on Stata's solution for weeks and on how to set up
your own alternatives given different definitions of the
In essence, week 1 in any year starts on 1 January, and so forth. So the weeks start on whatever day of the week 1 January is. -week()- is thus quite independent of -dow()-'s idea of when the week starts.
What the Tip discusses is summarised above.
On your other questions, the trick is simply that you must spell out all the labels and ticks that you want if the default does not provide them, so the answers lie in the help for -axis label options-.
[email protected]
G. Dai
I have some difficulties to draw a graph with hour of days within a week as a time series x axis.
To be more specific, please take the following example ***************************Example Begins************************ *****generate the date set as an example***** clear set obs 744 gen year=2011 gen month=7 gen date=_n replace date=mod(date,31)+1 gen hour=_n replace hour=mod(hour,24) gen price=100*runiform() gen quant=5+2*abs(rnormal(1,5))
*from year, month and date to generate week and day of week.
gen week=week(mdy(month, date, year))
gen dow=dow(mdy(month, date, year))
gen myday=dhms(mdy(month, date, year), hour,0,0) format myday %tc
***draw a graph showing price and quant on each day and each hour of the given week tsset myday,c twoway (tsline price if year==2011&week==27, yaxis(1) )(tsline quant if year==2011&week==27,yaxis(2)) /// , tlabel(,format(%tcDay) grid ) xmlabel(,format(%tcHH)) ttitle("July,2011")ttitle("Day of the Week") /// ytitle("Market Price") ytitle("Quantity Bought",axis(2))
*********************Example Ends***************
The first problem with the graph is that the week in the graph starts with Saturday, not the one we expected as Sunday, which is the first day of a week. I know this is related to the way Stata defines week. But how can I make it consistent with the "tradition" way?
Second, on the graph, only Sat, Mon, Wed and Sat are labeled, but I definitely want to see all days of the week from Sat to Mon. How?
Third, even though xmlabel(,format(%tcHH)) is used in the the command, we don't see the minor labels showing the hours within each day. How to make it work? Of course, I'm looking for labeling all hours, but hours like 0,6,12, 18 would be great.
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