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From | "Dimitriy V. Masterov" <> |
To | Statalist <> |
Subject | st: excel import issue |
Date | Tue, 1 Nov 2011 15:23:21 -0400 |
I am using Stata 12 MP on a 64-bit Windows 7 machine. Current update level is 13 Oct 2011. I've been trying to load a series of Excel files, but I am running into a problem I can't figure out. For example: import excel using "Top 30 Market Data with TUSA EBITDA 10-25-11.xlsx", sheet(" > summary") allstring firstrow cellrange(A4:AI35) clear; file Top 30 Market Data with TUSA EBITDA 10-25-11.xlsx could not be loaded r(603); Doing this through the dialog menu gives "Mandatory Element Missing" error when I try to specify the Excel file to use. Taking the spaces and hyphens out of the file name does not fix things. There's some stupid formatting, but the cell range I am trying to import appears to be free from it. Does anyone have any idea how to hack this one? DVM * * For searches and help try: * * *