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Re: st: fitting curves in regplot
Nick Cox <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: fitting curves in regplot
Sat, 25 Jun 2011 20:08:02 +0100
Sorry, but I don't understand precisely what your question is. Note
that there are several Nicks active on the list.
-twoway mspline- is able to mimic straight lines, as a piecewise cubic
can be piecewise linear. Consider
. set obs 100
obs was 0, now 100
. gen x = _n
. gen y = 42 + 32 * x
. twoway line y x || mspline y x
On Sat, Jun 25, 2011 at 5:54 PM, Arti Pandey <[email protected]> wrote:
> Hello
> I am trying to fit curves after regression using glm. I am following Nick's
> various online documents, especially the paper "Speaking Stata: Graphing Model
> Diagnostics", The Stata Journal,2004, 4 No. 4, Pg 449-475". I am trying to get
> the fitted curves to look like those in the paper. Choosing "lowess" for
> plottype looks better but regplot doesnt allow us to play with bwidth.
> So my question is to Nick and anyone else who followed that paper, how can
> mspline give such a perfect curve there. For example. the curve fit by type
> shows perfect linear for one type, would mspline show that.
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