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Re: st: Creating a dummy for each large firm in each fiscal year (foreach command)
Nick Cox <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: Creating a dummy for each large firm in each fiscal year (foreach command)
Mon, 13 Jun 2011 08:26:36 +0100
If I understand this correctly, Daniel's code is equivalent to this,
for which the limits he referred to won't bite.
gen tag = fyear == 2008 & at > 100
bysort gvkey (tag) : gen largefirmdummy = tag[_N]
There's much more on this kind of thing in the Speaking Stata column
forthcoming in SJ 11(2) 2011.
No loops are needed at all.
On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 9:21 PM, daniel klein
<[email protected]> wrote:
> I do not think the first dummy (gvkeylarge) is needed here. One way to
> create the disired dummy (largefirmdummy) might be
> levelsof gvkey if (fyear==2008) & (at > 100) ,loc(keys) s(,)
> g byte largefirmdummy = inlist(gvkey, `keys')
> The -inlist()- function will not work if there are more than about 240
> large firms, though. If this is the case, you may have to create a
> loop over the elements of the local. Alternatively, you may also think
> about using -reshape- your data wide.
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