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Re: st: gmm with two equations and one parameter
Richard Williams <[email protected]>
[email protected], [email protected]
Re: st: gmm with two equations and one parameter
Tue, 07 Jun 2011 22:37:17 -0500
I know nothing about the question, but I will repeat the often-noted
point that attachments are considered the work of Satan on Statalist,
as the list isn't equipped to handle them and they often come across
as garbled. If most of Europe wasn't asleep right now five other
people would have already made this point. You could just copy the
text of your programs into your message or put your files on the web
and provide a link.
As a sidelight, I would encourage everyone who wants to share files
(and everyone else in the world too for that matter) to create a
dropbox account. You get at least 2 GB of free online storage and can
put things in a public folder that you can provide a URL for. It is
also great if you work on multiple machines, e.g. a laptop and a
desktop. You can either go to or better yet use this
link which should get you a little added
storage. If you have a .edu email account use it as you get more
bonus storage that way. I just started using dropbox a few months ago
and I am probably going to require it for students in my stats
classes in the future so we can easily share files.
At 08:59 PM 6/7/2011, Wu Zhang wrote:
OK. I attach all the files.
my gmm command is:
gmm (gmm_poi2) (gmm_poi3), mylhs(y) myrhs(x) instruments(1:d1, noconstant)
instruments(2:d2, noconstant) vce(cluster id) myidvar(id) onestep
Thanks for your help!
----- Original Message ----
From: Brian P. Poi <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tue, June 7, 2011 9:21:19 PM
Subject: Re: st: gmm with two equations and one parameter
On 06/07/2011 09:00 PM, Wu Zhang wrote:
> I follow gmm help like ""; In my moment
> evaluator program, I do not specify names of parameter, just use at[1,1],
> program gmm_ivreg
> version 11
> syntax varlist [if] , at(name) rhs(varlist) depvar(varlist)
> tempvar m
> quietly gen double `m' = 0 `if'
> local i 1
> foreach var of varlist `rhs' {
> quietly replace `m' = `m' + `var'*`at'[1,`i'] `if'
> local `++i'
> }
> quietly replace `m' = `m' + `at'[1,`i'] `if' // constant
> quietly replace `varlist' = `depvar' - `m' `if'
> end
> Could you find something wrong if I put two alike programs for
equation 1 and
> respectively?
Well, we now know that you are using a moment evaluator program rather
than the interactive version of -gmm-. But unless we see *your* program
and the *exact* -gmm- command syntax you are using, there is no way to
know why you are having problems.
-- Brian Poi
-- [email protected]
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Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
OFFICE: (574)631-6668, (574)631-6463
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