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Re: st: imposing cross-equation constrains with nlsur
"Brian P. Poi" <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: imposing cross-equation constrains with nlsur
Tue, 07 Jun 2011 20:19:51 -0400
On 06/07/2011 02:32 PM, ABDUL ADAM wrote:
Dear All,
I am estimating a system of equations by nlsur and I am trying to impose demand theory restrictions but I am unable to get what I want. I have 14 equations, but for illustration, I take only three here:
constraint 2 [w1]exp1 + [w2]exp2 + [w3]exp3 = 0
nlsur(w1=capphi1*({a1}+{lag11}*l1w1+{p11}*lnp1+{p12}*lnp2+{p13}*lnp3+{exp1}*expP +res)+ /// {ph1}*phi1) ///
(w2=({a2}+{lag22}*l1w2+{p21}*lnp1+{p22}*lnp2+{p23}*lnp3+{exp2}*expP +res)) ///
(w3=capphi3*({a3}+{lag33}*l1w3+{p31}*lnp1+{p32}*lnp2+{p33}*lnp3+{exp3}*expP +res)+ ///
{ph3}*phi3), constraints(2)
I am getting this error back:constraints(2) not allowed. I tried to figure out how to solve this but to no avail. I appreciate any advice/help on this.
-nlsur- does not accept constraints in the usual Stata sense, but that
is not really a limitation. The constraint
exp1 + exp2 + exp3 = 0
is equivalent to
exp3 = -exp1 - exp2
so instead of having three parameters to estimate, you really only have
two. Instead of referring to {exp3} just refer to (-1*{exp1} - {exp2})
along these lines:
. nlsur (w1 = ... + {exp1}*expP + ... ) ///
(w2 = ... + {exp2}*expP + ... ) ///
(w3 = ... + (-1*{exp1} - {exp2})*expP + ... )
-- Brian Poi
-- [email protected]
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