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RE: st: RE: RE: RE: Writing the value of a variable in another variable in a selective way

From   Nick Cox <[email protected]>
To   "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: RE: RE: RE: Writing the value of a variable in another variable in a selective way
Date   Wed, 1 Jun 2011 12:53:01 +0100

In your code local macros are evaluated for particular observation numbers, which will be at best insufficient and at worst wrong for a panel dataset.

You didn't explain your full problem in the previous email, and you just got advice for what you did explain. Here the problem report is just "doesn't work". Imagine that you write code for me and I report back "it doesn't work". How are you going to advise me? How much does my report tell you? 

I can guess what your data look like, but I'd rather see some real data, say the first 100 observations for -subject- -partner- -profit-.

However, guessing at times 1...60 and subjects 1...20 and that subjects have the same partners throughout [sounds like a theorist's fantasy] I imagine code like 

sort period subject 
gen partnerprofit = . 

forval s = 1/20 { 
	local partner = partner[`s'] 
	forval p = 1/60 { 
		su profit if period == `p' & subject == `partner', meanonly 
		replace partnerprofit = r(min) if period == `p' & subject == `s' 

As said, you may need to tell us much more about the data if that's not helpful. 

[email protected] 

[email protected]

After 2 hours of unsuccesful trying on my own let me ask again please, 
this time more precisely:

I have n==20 "subjects", each with entries for t==60 periods. Each 
subject has a unique "partner". I would like to stata to write the value 
of the variable "profit" of subject i's partner into subject i's 
variable "partnerprofit", for each period.

I tried the code below, but it doesn't work.

forval subject =1/20 {

     forval period =1/60 {
      local partner = partner[`subject']
      replace partnerprofit = profit[`partner'] in `period'

Thank you very much again!

Nick Cox schrieb:
> Tim is correct; thanks! 
> Nick 
> [email protected] 
> Mak, Timothy
> I think Nick meant: 
> gen partnerprofit = profit[5] in 3
> But following this logic, and if your dataset is not large, you could do it in a loop, I think: 
> gen partnerprofit = .
> forval i=1/`=c(N)' {
> 	local partnerid = partnerid[`i']
> 	replace partnerprofit = profit[`partnerid'] in `i'
> }
> where I assume you have a partnerid variable which gives you the observation number of the partner. 
> If your id's do not go in 1,2,3,...,n, however, you may need to do a bit more programming... and probably -merge- is the easiest. 
> Nick Cox
> If the problem is just this, the solution would be  
> gen partnerprofit = profit[5] in 13 
> In general, think about a -merge-. 
> On Behalf Of [email protected]
> How can I write the value of the variable called profit for e.g., 
> subject i as the value into another variable called "partnerprofit" of 
> another subject j?
> For example: I am subject 3, my partner is subject 5; his profit is 13, 
> now I would like to stata write in my "partnerprofit" the value 13.

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