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RE: Antwort: st: problems installing outreg2 (Windows Vista)

From   "Girsberger Seelaus, Esther Mirjam" <>
To   "" <>
Subject   RE: Antwort: st: problems installing outreg2 (Windows Vista)
Date   Wed, 20 Apr 2011 11:04:42 -0700

To DMV: When I type 'which outreg2' I get the following answer: 
'command outreg2 not found as either built-in or ado-file

To Oliver: Copying the necessary files didn't work. Either because they were not copied or they are not recognised...

To Richard : By 'Stata just crash' I mean that after typing 'ssc install outreg2, all replace' I get an error message by Microsoft Windows which tells me that Stata no longer works. It gives me the option to 1) go online and look for a solution and end the program, 2) end the program or 3) debug. All three options lead to ending Stata without installing outreg2... 

And yes, I think that Stata connects to the Internet because I was able to register my licence. 

And no, I cannot get a description of outreg2. (ssc des outreg2 also leads to a crash). What do you mean by adjusting the settings for your proxy server under general settings in Stata?

From: [] On Behalf Of Richard Ochmann []
Sent: 20 April 2011 19:29
Subject: Antwort: st: problems installing outreg2 (Windows Vista)

What exactly do you mean by "Stata just crashed"?

Does your Stata connect to the internet?
Can you find a description of -outreg2- (ssc des outreg2)?
If yes I dont know the solution to your problem.
If no you may need to adjust the settings for your proxy server under
general settings in Stata.

Rich schrieb am 20.04.2011 19:14:36:

> I want to install the package 'outreg2' in Stata 11 (running on
> Windows Vista) but unfortunately, I haven't had any success, yet. :(
> So I would be glad if anybody who has overcome this problem would
> share his/her experience with me! :)
> I run STATA as administrator (as suggested by other answers) and
> used the command 'ssc install outreg2, all replace' but Stata just
> Of course it also crashed when I tried the same command without
> running STATA as administrator...
> I also tried to download all files of the outreg2 package manually
> into the 'C:\Program Files\Stata11\ado\base\o' folder but this did
> not work either. The files do not appear in the folder. (Though when
> I want to download them again, they are visible in the folder...)
> When trying to run the outreg2 command in Stata, I get the error
> message that the command outreg2 is unknown.
> I guess that the problem has to do with some security settings of
> Windows Vista, not letting me install these files, but I have no
> clue where to start finding the key (solution) to my problem...
> Thanks in advance for your help!
> Esther Mirjam
> Esther Mirjam Girsberger Seelaus
> PHD Candidate
> Economics Department
> European University Institute
> Via della Piazzuola 43
> 50133 Firenze
> Italy
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