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Re: st: draw a hypothetical continuous curve on an existent stata graph

From   Nick Cox <>
Subject   Re: st: draw a hypothetical continuous curve on an existent stata graph
Date   Sat, 5 Mar 2011 09:09:20 +0000

Naturally, or rather usually, there is scope for that.

If you are using -twoway- directly, you superimpose a call to -twoway

-twoway kdensity- is an example.

If you are using a well-written program that is a wrapper for
-twoway-, it should include a -plot()- or -addplot()- option that lets
you add such a call.

-kdensity- is an example.

If neither of these is clearly a solution in your case, you may need
to provide more precise information on what commands you are using.

The Graph Editor is great for what it does, but quite the wrong Stata
tool for this purpose.


On Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 6:01 AM, Amanda Fu <> wrote:
> I was wondered if there is any easy way to edit the Stata graphs by
> adding some additional  hypothetical curves. For example, I have
> created a kernel density distribution curve based on a variable in the
> data set. Then I would like to add another hypothetical curve (I made
> it up; it is not based on data) in the shape of a continuous curve to
> the existent graph.It seems if there is a drawing pen in the editing
> tool, that will be great. But the graph editing does not have this
> toil. Is there any way to draw some shape by hand in Stata graph? Or,
> for these tasks it is better to switch to other software?

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