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From | "Wooldridge, Jeffrey" <> |
To | <> |
Subject | RE: st: Comparing two response variables |
Date | Mon, 28 Feb 2011 21:02:52 -0500 |
This doesn't look promising to me. You might find a transformation, such as taking the natural log, that would lead to a "better" fit. I think this is similar to the old conundrum about how one cannot compare R-squareds to choose among dependent variables. -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Richard Williams Sent: Monday, February 28, 2011 8:05 PM To:; Subject: Re: st: Comparing two response variables I too am not sure what "better" is, but my first impulse is to say that better = more reliable. Therefore, assuming you have the original 10 items, you might use the -alpha- command to see whether the 2 additional variables increase or decrease the overall reliability of the scale. At 06:20 PM 2/28/2011, Debs Majumdar wrote: >Hello, > > I was asked this question today "Is there any way one can say > one dependent >variable is better than the other for the following situation?" > > Suppose, you have two response variables Y1 and Y2 on the same > metric, one a >composite of 8 items and the other with 10 items (same 8 items + 2 >other). You >have two predictors (X1 and X2, say) and you run the following regressions: > > Y1 = a_0 + a_1*X1 + a_2*X2 + e1 > > Y2 = b_0 + b_1*X1 + b_2*X2 + e2 > >Is there anyway to prove Y1 is a better measure for the trait we are >measuring >when compared to Y2? > >I don't have a clear cut answer for this. Is using `-sureg' >appropriate for this >case? Any help is appreciated. > >Thank you, > >Debs > > > > >* >* For searches and help try: >* >* >* ------------------------------------------- Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology OFFICE: (574)631-6668, (574)631-6463 HOME: (574)289-5227 EMAIL: Richard.A.Williams.5@ND.Edu WWW: * * For searches and help try: * * * * * For searches and help try: * * *