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st: RE: graph interaction curve

From   Nick Cox <>
To   "''" <>
Subject   st: RE: graph interaction curve
Date   Fri, 25 Feb 2011 16:27:18 +0000

The short answer is No. There isn't an easy way, but there is a way to solve this nevertheless. Maarten already posted a concrete example at

That is, get a series of predictions for different values of the moderator and plot them as a series of lines in the (X, Y) space. 

So, the same question gets the same answer.

Otherwise we need to see something new from you, e.g. specific detail on how you wrote code that doesn't work, etc. 


Fabio Zona

I am really having hard time to graph an interacion between a curve and a linear moderator.

this is the equation:

Y = a + X +  X^2  + moderator  +  X * moderator

Is there an easy way to graph the curve and see how it changes, for different values of the moderator?

Also, I have another equation (more complex) with the same challenge:
Y = a + X +  X^2  + moderator  +  X*moderator  + X^2 * moderator

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