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st: re: conflicting tests for normality
Kouji Asakura <[email protected]>
statalist digest <[email protected]>
st: re: conflicting tests for normality
Fri, 25 Feb 2011 07:34:04 -0800 (PST)
Thanks for your informative responses. I'll bear these things in mind for my
Koji Asakura
In addition, note that there need be no contradiction here. For example, a
distribution might be approximately symmetric but have fatter tails than the
normal, or asymmetric but happen to have about the same kurtosis as a normal.
Furthermore, it is rare that the marginal normality of a variable is quite what
you should be worried about. Even when normality is an assumption, it is usually
that responses are conditionally normal given predictors, or equivalently that
disturbances are normal, and that's usually the least important assumption being
made, although for bizarre reasons it's often the assumption that is most
scrutinised. Nick On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 2:10 PM, Maarten buis
<[email protected]> wrote: > --- On Fri, 25/2/11, Kouji Asakura wrote: >>
I need help with a problem I'm having. I'm testing for >> normality of a
variable and I made use of the tests in >> Stata; Shapiro-Wilk, the sktest, and
Shapiro-Francia. >> However, I obtained conflicting results. > <snip> >> So you
see, the -sktest- says it's not normal, while both >> Shapiro tests say the
opposite, at least at a 0.05 alpha. > > This is a rather difuse hypothesis:
there are many ways in > which a distribution can deviate from a theoretical >
distribution. This makes it a hard hypothesis to test, and > often leads to not
very powerful tests. So it is no surprise > that different tests give different
outcomes. > > The first thing I would do is graph the distribution and > see to
what extend and, more importantly, in what way the > distribution deviates from
normality/Gaussianity. Two > useful graphs for this purpose are -qnorm- and
-hangroot-, > whereby the latter is user written and can be downloaded > by
typing in Stata -ssc install hangroot-. > > Once you have figured out how the
distribution deviates > from normality/Gaussianity, you can make an informed >
decision on whether you want to do something about it, > and if so, what. This
is just another way of saying that > you need to know what the problem is before
you can think > about how to fix it.
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