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st: Interpreting negative Rho with bivariate probit (partial)

From   Jean-Christophe Boucher <>
To   "" <>
Subject   st: Interpreting negative Rho with bivariate probit (partial)
Date   Fri, 25 Feb 2011 05:25:37 -0500

Dear Statalisters,

I am using a bivariate probit with partial observability to take into account the effect of a selection equation when the dependent variables are the same y1=y2. 

I have a hard time (and many discussions) in interpreting my Rho result which is negative and highly significant. Mostly, the negative direction is counter intuitive in my model, but some say that rho is only an estimation of all the unmeasured crap between both equations of the biprobit and I shouldn't be worried about it as long as it is significant.

Thank you
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