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Re: st: A bug in egen and gen?
Maarten buis <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: A bug in egen and gen?
Thu, 17 Feb 2011 20:50:56 +0000 (GMT)
--- On Thu, 17/2/11, Nick Cox wrote:
> As said, do read Bill Gould's blog entries on precision.
Couldn't agree more, see below, also for links to these
--- Liao, Junlin wrote:
> appropriate data type. Therefore, my recommendation for
> Stata to use double as default calculation and finally
> select the appropriate type to store data is sensible.
This would not be my recommendation.
I see roughly three different roles for variables:
o an identification number: these can get sometimes
very large and you really want to strore the number
exactly, so you should consider storing those as
either doubles or strings.
o an intermediate result in a computation: you should
try to minimize rounding error in a computation, so
go for doubles.
o real data: there is no way you collected to such a
degree of precision that you would need more than
float to store it. doubles are real overkill and
only give you a false sense of precision.
Bill just posted on how ridiculous the degree of
overkill this really is. I'll just repeat one example:
"The U.S. deficit in 2011 is projected to be $1.5
trillion. One hopes that a grand total of $26,624 —
the error that would be introduced by storing this
projected deficit in float precision — would not be
a significant factor in any lawmaker’s decision
concerning the issue."
For this quote and many more see:
-- Maarten
Maarten L. Buis
Institut fuer Soziologie
Universitaet Tuebingen
Wilhelmstrasse 36
72074 Tuebingen
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