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Re: st: Re: Comparing economic situation before and after a specific event

From   Ayman Farahat <>
To   "''" <>
Subject   Re: st: Re: Comparing economic situation before and after a specific event
Date   Wed, 16 Feb 2011 10:14:52 -0800

You might want to use a difference in difference estimated.

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Wed Feb 16 10:05:26 2011
Subject: st: Re: Comparing economic situation before and after a specific event

Dear Maarten

Thanks for your reply. I think I was unable to explain the problem. Actually
I have already decided about variables to asses the economic situation. As
it is the panel dataset and suppose the said event occurs in each country
two times over the period 1980-2005 and as there are 130 countries so I've
to compare 260 coefficients.For example, in US the event occurs in 1986 and
again in 1998, then I'll compare the coefficients for US before and after
1986 and then before and after 1998 and so on for each country depending the
dates of event. My question is that is there an econometric technique for
this type of problem or I have to compute manually coefficients for my
variables for each country and then carrying a test of significance for

Best Regards,


On 16 February 2011 12:04, Maarten buis <> wrote:
--- On Wed, 16/2/11, ajjee wrote:
> I have a panel dataset for near 130 countries over the
> period 1980-2000. I want to compare the economic
> situation in each country before and after a
> specific event.  That specific event took place in
> each country more thanonce.  Please guide me if I
> should compare the coefficients of economic
> variables before and after the event, for example,
> testing  equality of coefficients for  the  3 years
> moving average of GDP growth before and after the event,
> or there is some other technique to deal with this type
> of problem.

This is not a technical problem but a substantive one. It
appears that you have not decided yet how you are going to
operationalize "economic situation". There is only one
person who can make that decision, and that is you.

Hope this helps,

Maarten L. Buis
Institut fuer Soziologie
Universitaet Tuebingen
Wilhelmstrasse 36
72074 Tuebingen

ajjee wrote:
> Dear Sata users
> I have a panel dataset for near 130 countries over the period 1980-2000. I
> want to compare the economic situation in each country before and after a
> specific event.  That specific event took place in each country more than
> once.  Please guide me if I should compare the coefficients of economic
> variables before and after the event, for example, testing  equality of
> coefficients for  the  3 years moving average of GDP growth before and
> after the event, or there is some other technique to deal with this type
> of problem. Please help me.
> Thanks in advance 
> Regards,
> ajjee

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