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Re: st: main effect insignificant, interaction term significant
Maarten buis <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: main effect insignificant, interaction term significant
Wed, 16 Feb 2011 17:21:39 +0000 (GMT)
--- On Wed, 16/2/11, Gáti Annamária wrote:
> Do (and if so, how do) we interpret interaction terms in
> the following regression example:
> we want to explain whether someone got lung cancer or not
> and we explain this by gender and smoking.
> gender= non sign.
> ever smoked= non sign.
> gender*smoked= sign
One strategy is to reformulate your model so that you
directly see the effect of ever_smoked for men and for
Consider the example below, which I think is similar
to your problem (black and white would be male and
female in your problem; collgrad would be ever_smoked
in your problem; and union membership would be equivalent
to lung cancer in your problem).
In the group white women without college degree you
would expect .24 union members for every non-union member
(the baseline odds). This odds is 1.56 times higher for
black women.
The odds of unionmembership increases by a factor 1.89
when black women get a college degree and by a factor
1.70 when white women get a college degree. In the
example below the difference in these effects are non-
significant, but in your case that difference will be
*-------------------- begin example ---------------------
sysuse nlsw88, clear
drop if race == 3 // drop "others"
// I think that it is informative to make the
// interaction terms yourself:
// race would be gender in your model
// you would make the variables male and female instead
gen byte black = race == 2 if !missing(race)
gen byte white = race == 1 if !missing(race)
// collgrad would be never_smoked in your model
gen byte blackXcoll = black*collgrad
gen byte whiteXcoll = white*collgrad
gen byte baseline = 1
logit union black blackXcoll whiteXcoll baseline, nocons or
// if we want to test whether the effect of
// collgrad is the same for black and white women
// we can either estimate your model and look at
// the significance of the interaction term or:
test blackXcoll = whiteXcoll
// However, you can also use Stata's new factor
// variable notation:
logit union i.race i.race#i.collgrad baseline, nocons or
*--------------------- end example ----------------------------
(For more on examples I sent to the Statalist see: )
Hope this helps,
Maarten L. Buis
Institut fuer Soziologie
Universitaet Tuebingen
Wilhelmstrasse 36
72074 Tuebingen
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