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st: PS on Stata colours

From   "Allan Reese (Cefas)" <>
To   <>
Subject   st: PS on Stata colours
Date   Tue, 15 Feb 2011 14:36:34 -0000

Vince Wiggins agreed you can add you own named colors to Stata, which
will help work to corporate standards.

It may also save your time to know that Stata colors are recognised only
if lower-case, so my -IBMblue- would not be recognized.
-palette color ibmblue- and mcol(ibmblue)- would however pick up the
file ...styles\  

My luck to work for Cefas (not cefas).

> I must warn Allan that there is another reason we did not document
> creating your own named styles.  If you use "myblue" in a graph, save
> the graph to disk, then share that graph file with a friend; you will
> also need to share your .style file.  Otherwise, when your friend
> - -graph use-s your graph, the color "myblue" will not be found; Stata
> will complain; and a default color, likely black, will be substituted.

Or could be an advantage - it sounds rather like the idea of putting
duff information on maps so you can prove copyright.  After -graph use-
person gets the warning if the color is not found, and has to ask for
the formula.  Give them a read-only format (eg tif) and they don't see
the name of the color. 


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