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Re: st: reshape command without a j( ) variable using Stata 8
Nick Cox <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: reshape command without a j( ) variable using Stata 8
Tue, 15 Feb 2011 07:54:20 +0000
It's not that clear that this will benefit much from -reshape-. In any
case the -reshape- syntax requires you to specify stubnames, not
variable names, so not knowing -j()- is not your only problem. The key
questions are: What is you want to do that you think will be easier
after a -reshape-? What do you want to do that seems difficult with
your present data structure?
On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 1:47 AM, Karen Rappaport
<[email protected]> wrote:
> I have a data set that I want to reshape from long to wide using Stata 8. It
> contains 2748 unique respondent sequence numbers and a total of 3191
> observations. It is a data set of patients and medications they take. Some
> patients take two medications.
> Here are the variables:
> seqn (unique patient number; numeric)
> medID (medication ID number; string)
> medic (medication name; string)
> days90 (number of days medication taken in last 90 days; numeric)
> days30 (number of days medication taken in last 30 days; numeric)
> quant (quantity of medication taken daily)
> serving (label serving size; double)
> reason (reason for taking medication; double)
> At first, I thought this would be a straight forward case of reshaping "long to
> wide" with more than one variable.
> reshape wide medID medic days90 days30 quant serving reason , i(seqn) j( ??? )
> Essentially, all variables are shaped long to wide so that I have only one set
> of observations per patient or "seqn". (Is this essentially correct?) But what
> do I put in the j( ) position?
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